I’m confused, what’s wrong with a hit on George Zimmerman again?
It’s funny, how many of the evil things Black people have done are just loud speech. Wow organizing to distrupt a fair or asking not to be shot, what next black people voting?! *Gasp*
I’m confused, what’s wrong with a hit on George Zimmerman again?
It’s funny, how many of the evil things Black people have done are just loud speech. Wow organizing to distrupt a fair or asking not to be shot, what next black people voting?! *Gasp*
Here for the screen caps and no replies to tired trolls!
They did the same thing to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, why? Because The Last Jedi had the nerve to have strong female characters. Basically these mark ass bitches are mad at any movie that doesn’t have a white male at the center of it. Here’s some advice to all those who have a rock hard dick for DC movies, tell them to…
Chuck Norris does not believe in evolution
Maybe. But I still claim that if he actually read The Root like he claims then he would already know that answer.
“But white people like to live dangerously.”
I think the larger problem is that y’all appear to be completely oblivious to the consequences of that for the rest of us. It’s that attitude that is likely to burn the entire world down, if one judges from the SVB and FSB landing merrily on the shores from which they were supposed to be sanctioned and meeting with…
The people who need to be guillotined in this situation are the Miami politicians who acquiesced to him and gave him everything he wanted. Loria’s a shark and sharks eat everything in their path. It’s their nature. The real fuckers are the assholes who let the shark swim in a public pool.
It happens sometimes. Look at Oakland, St. Louis, and San Diego. You just have to be willing to accept the possibility losing your team. Personally if i was a resident of those cities, i’d be proud.
I’d prefer politicians stop acting like idiots and letting themselves get played by billionaires. This article should focus on the idiocy of the public servants, not the shady/legal behavior of a business professional.
I’m giving Free Radical side-eye cuz he’s lying.
I’d like to think this might dissuade other cities from giving billionaires money for stadiums in the future. Also, I am an extremely dumb person.
Nah, this is like me googling whether or not I can still cook and eat some green bacon i found in the back of my fridge. I know I can’t. I know I shouldn’t. And even if the first three google results tell me “Don’t do it!” I will check the fourth result because at that moment I want bacon more than I care about not…
And, again, I don’t get the fascination. It’s like someone saying “No, you can’t eat a brillo pad. Eat food.” And the response is “DAMN, that brillo pad has to be tasty! ::CHOMP::”
FreeRadical: You need no permission to use a word. If you say the n-word, it isn’t like a Slur Fairy is going to whack the word back into your throat. You DO need to live with whatever consequences ensue. Pretty simple. You can’t get a fucking certificate to pull out if questioned, y’know?
My question pertains to using ‘the n-word’ when quoting black artists.
Ima just say it: FreeRadical is full of shit. I went to HS with plenty of his type, he already knew the answer was no but he was just hoping against hope that youd give him some sort of magical scenario in which it would be okay because youre his friend. Because a lot of white people think we value contact with them…
Gates was originally defended by a public defender because he didn’t have the money to pay for expensive legal counsel. My thought is that these attorneys were being paid by someone else. When Gates’ actions conflicted with the interests of the people paying Gates’ legal fees (ie. Trump), the attorneys stopped working…
Fair enough, on all of that. In the case of the decent/horrific nature of this country, it can definitely be two things.
And the drive for money. Education now is less about education and more about money. The push for higher education, coupled with jobs wanting higher education degrees that have little to do with the jobs themselves shows that.