
lol right? Of all the boroughs.

We cannot go a single day without some major white people bullshit. Jeebus. Even if you decide to not count 45's bullshit, someone, somewhere, will take up the mantle and go do some serious bullshit.

I’d expand that to all parents of all children. Raising kids who can’t see race is raising kids who can’t recognize racism.

At this point I would accept a solid platform and a regional game plan for all levels of the gov’t that doesn’t waste time pandering to the ‘(white) economic issues’ crowd when a lot of folks are hurting in some way.

Bernie was aight, but BernieBros are fake ass entitled toxic shits. THEY handed Trump the white house when they decided they couldn’t vote for Hillary and took the selfish route if writing in Bernie or Jill Stein or Lynden LaRouche or whatever other useless non-democrat vote they cast. They did so because they knew

That was definitely sarcasm. Bernie Bros are The Fucking Worst®.

A Bernie supporter? Racist? Nah. They are too progressive for racism in that camp.

Throw the whole chapter away.

What people, especially White people, fail to understand is the history of the word. Across the world, the image of a monkey allowed for an entire group of people, African people, to be subjugated. Whether they were hung, skinned, put in boxes for White people to poke and prod, raped/drowned/sodomized/starved as they

They should have known better than to let someone from New Jersey in. We’re not good at concealing our real feelings.

The name Harley Barber recommends your dumb parents theory.

Monique please dont do a Root After Dark Post about Trump’s sex life lol. Unless its addressed to the white women who hate themselves and have slept with trump and the theme is “Learning to Love Yourself Again”

This! Like, who the fuck is pissing their pants their whole life to move 1000 miles away to go to Alabama? I guess dumb racist white bitches who think they’re going back to the plantation?

I don’t care if it’s Martin Luther King Day.

That’s pretty much where I fall. Woody Allen is creepy, but I don’t know if Dylan Farrow’s suffering comes from being abused by Woody, by Mia, maybe a mix of both, I don’t know. Honestly, I feel like other creepy stuff should have discouraged actresses from working with him without this.

Local Cuck Forced to Tattle

If you think racism is only caused by your awareness to it, then you are part of the problem.

Just here for the comments:

Why are you commenting here if you are so willfully ignorant? What even is the point?

Your child would presumably have a medical diagnosis and history to back her up though. I mean I was significantly underweight and had kind of scary looking black eye type pigmentation as a kid (due to some absorption problems and very allergies) and my parents were checked out. But better they checked and passed then