
Me too.

I can tell you neither Adelson nor Netanyahu have a problem with pro-Israeli anti-Semites.

You know, I sort of think that this conversation is worth having: what is acceptable workplace behavior, inter-office dating, when does behavior cross the line from rude to harassment, etc.

Oh, Tavis, I am judging you by the company you keep.

Do you have another cup of White tears? I’m still thirsty.

You are totally that guy.

I don’t know about you, but I found that harassment was worse when I was underage and slowly got less and less as I reached my thirties. The day to day sexism I experience as an Old is different from the harassment when I was young- I also, as an older, middle class, white, university grad have more options over where

Trump and Pence have actively done more to hurt brown people and LGBTQ people than Bannon ever has, so of course they sided with Trump-Pence

I don’t know. I’m 52 and all this internalized misogyny “won’t someone think of the poor men” is seriously pissing me off. I do NOT give a fuck if some dude actually has to think about how he interacts with women. We have to think about how we interact with men every damn day so we don’t “send the wrong message” Fuck

Somewhere a three-inch erection stands proud as Mike looks upon his work.

“I’ve always wanted to know, because I’m a white person, how to reach into the inner city without getting shot.”

You know the thing that gets me?

OK, I thought you were joking.

The weakest losers are always licking the balls of some tough talking authority figure. Its a comic book fantasy for them.

Ehh... you need to consider spending time in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Not their hubs, not their industrial bases... their rural bits that are pretty on par with the stereotypes surrounding Alabama and Mississippi

Racism. It’s racism.

I think what bears examining is why so many people believe Trump’s constant claims that the country is going to hell when we had full employment and the lowest crime rate in American history. “Our cities are on fire” doesn’t make a lick of sense if you know how to Google crime statistics or the word “gentrification”

Hence Donald Trump himself not having quality lawyers when he really needs excellent legal representation.

I’m not going to lie, Jalopnik membership not withstanding, I would rather an amateur auto shop than nosy religious zealot assholes any day. It really doesn’t matter what you are into, those are the kinds of people that make neighborhoods awful and negatively impact property values long-term.

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