Racists can’t be anything other than morons.
Racists can’t be anything other than morons.
Cash and connections to start her own podcast? Oh my god dude you are hilarious.
Did your uncle ever have the common courtesy to give you a reach around all those many times he slammed his meat between your cheeks?
The craziest part of this story is the fact that this due is the second Rossi Lorathio Adams.
I have an idea that may help reduce distracted driving, The Open Handed Law. To wit, this law would allow an individual to affect a Citizen’s Arrest of sorts on any individual one encounters driving distracted. The punishment administered is a single, open-handed slap to the face. The offender is then free to continue…
I would say god is more a sadistically disinterested asshole
He definitely makes soap...if by soap you mean doodies in his pants.
The Nuge is more the creepy uncle who touched you in places that made you cry and then told you he would kill your mother and father if you told anyone.
I’m pretty sure this isn’t the first time an idea of yours has been met by befuddlement, disdain and incredulity.
That’s not funny. I feel violated.
Wasn’t he The Scarlet Pimpernel?
Your should be fine. I’m pretty sure you have to repeat the witch’s name three times before you summon her evil powers into this world.
Please, everyone with a dirty brain (i.e., not brain-washed) knows that Bigfoot is really just Lizard People in suits.
The entirety of the christian religion is based on misinterpretation.
You would certainly know what a posturing twat looks like eh?
This is a group of grifters that has turned tilting at windmills into a profession.
Montana would have been a lot more durable if the NFL had massively changed the nature of the game to protect him physically like they did for Brady.
Why would Brady do a thing that he has never ever EVER had to do, namely be held accountable for his own bullshit. This dude has never had to struggle for anything in his life and people worship him like a god. Under those circumstances how would he ever come to the conclusion that he should be reflecting on his…
Was that a serious answer? Watches? I mean technically you’re correct (even though you admit the tech wasn’t stolen, so there’s that), but that really wasn’t the gist of my point given the article is about something a bit more complicated than a watch.