Dogs only respect and respond to timely and well executed subpoenas. I think that was in one of Cesar Milan’s many books, Leader of the Pack maybe.
Dogs only respect and respond to timely and well executed subpoenas. I think that was in one of Cesar Milan’s many books, Leader of the Pack maybe.
Everyone in the know knows that Filipinos make the best dog shushers and that former East German women’s track team members make the best dog shushershushers.
The first step is admitting you have a problem.
So, more Kevens than Chargers fans?
This is all leading to a shitty CGI Bambi remake isn’t it?
+1 Ack Thbbft!
So what you’re saying is that Milan, MI is like the entire state of Florida.
I’m just impressed you took the time to create 28 burner accounts so that you could star your pathetic little-dick-energy comment.
You two need to stop Horsey Saucing around dammit.
Modern life is stressful. Let the helpful inflammation from Meningitis boil away all that stress. Once the swellings subsides you’ll be stress free the rest of your days. Order now and get a discount on life time supplies of adult diapers.
If this ever gets off the ground you just know that they will change the name of the currency from Libra to Zuckerberg.
Aditi think cows had such skill with a ball.
Real Qs know that the messages only come when the t.v. is turned off.
So, according to NYPD policy, if I state that “all NYPD are sub-human mongrels who should be chained together and sent to the bottom of the ocean” this isn’t hate speech so long as I don’t accompany this vile comment with commensurate action? Good to know.
Fans of Jesus H. Christ aka christians.
It is my understanding that suppositories work best. As in; breaking a foot off in their ass.
The majority of those professing the christian faith need to seriously take a look at themselves.
I think the words coming out of that mouth are what really makes him look like a twat.
Will we ever hit a ceiling for this peak White People Nonsense?
Pffft, tubes. They call it the World-Wide-Web, or intrawebs, so it’s clearly made from spider’s silk.