I’m just impressed you took the time to create 28 burner accounts so that you could star your pathetic little-dick-energy comment.
I’m just impressed you took the time to create 28 burner accounts so that you could star your pathetic little-dick-energy comment.
You two need to stop Horsey Saucing around dammit.
Aditi think cows had such skill with a ball.
Real Qs know that the messages only come when the t.v. is turned off.
So, according to NYPD policy, if I state that “all NYPD are sub-human mongrels who should be chained together and sent to the bottom of the ocean” this isn’t hate speech so long as I don’t accompany this vile comment with commensurate action? Good to know.
Fans of Jesus H. Christ aka christians.
It is my understanding that suppositories work best. As in; breaking a foot off in their ass.
The majority of those professing the christian faith need to seriously take a look at themselves.
I think the words coming out of that mouth are what really makes him look like a twat.
Will we ever hit a ceiling for this peak White People Nonsense?
Pffft, tubes. They call it the World-Wide-Web, or intrawebs, so it’s clearly made from spider’s silk.
I would only add a modifier to point #2: that once the roof has been put in place that the contents then be filed with cement.
Wait, you’re supposed to read the article first before commenting? OK, I guess I’ll start reading the articles before posting but it’s gonna feel a little weird.
When saying a reported from TMZ the asshole is already implied. No need to say it twice.
My son tells me it’s spelled Missouri, but pronounced Misery.
This seem more like a GOOP product.
“*Most cops are idiots that seem to not understand what’s coming out of their own mouths. The rest* are assholes who know exactly what they’re doing and are looking to shoot you.”
I know very little about legal stuff, but how is this not fraud on the part of the Bucs?
This is completely and absolutely on-brand for the Gruden led Raiders.
Nobody has to run a false flag operation to make men look stupid, we will do all the heavy lifting ourselves to accomplish that goal.