
Yeah, exactly. This whole “western civilization is superior bullshit” only works if you completely ignore the actual history of western civilization. You mean the same civilization that perfected the systemic murder of compatriots (Catholics vs Protestants) before moving that into the rest of the world. How about the

Yes, in fact, their lives are that pathetic. I’m with you on this; I would never go to Brietbart or Faux News website as I have no interest in reading stories about racists and their mealy-mouthed reasons for thinking that they are under assault from the world around them. Fuck them, their worldview and their opinions

I like your first scenario best.

The definition of heckler: loser who attacks a person because that person has the talent, ability and skills to achieve a level of success that the said heckler doesn’t have the courage, fortitude or character to even contemplate let alone achieve.

I don’t have a gif, but here is a picture of Gronk in a sauna:

I believe it should be spelled Queefvanka.

I can’t help but think that the only reason they arrested him is because someone is actually pressing charges. Of course this is just an assumption based on the disparate responses between people taking to the streets for a social/political cause and the general stupidity of rioting to “celebrate” a sports victory.

I think you forgot the /s.

It’s not an opioid crisis from the perspective of pharma, more like the greatest marketing success in the history of shitty pharmaceutical successes.

Wasn’t there something else about a camel and being able to pass through the eye of a needle? Also, isn’t being a pastor supposed to be a calling not a career?

Another great article. Thank you.

Nothing in my response even for a second suggests that I think we should “line them up and shoot them in the head”. I just don’t think we need to make an effort to understand their point of view. Granted, I have gone back and forth on this in my head repeatedly. At first I felt like we should make an honest effort to

Let’s not forget that the GOP has prepared the way for Donny Dildo and Pence is a total establishment Republican. Donny Dildo isn’t a bug in the GOP platform, he is a feature of the determined and purposeful direction that the GOP has been taking since the mid-90s (and realistically way before that).

So your take on this is that the people who refuse to tolerate the intolerant, bigoted and plain old stupid people who voted for Donny Dildo are the real source of the problem. Not all those who voted for him are racists, but every racist who could vote most assuredly voted for Putin’s paid lap dog. Great company to

It also didn’t help that basically 40% of registered/eligible voters just did vote. I get that the choices presented were not ideal, but christ on a stick there really is no excuse for that 40%.

I think it can be all of those things at the same time.

The only “untainted” politician would be an unborn fetus. So? Unborn fetus 2010?

Please, for the love of all that is holy, not another goddamned Kennedy. I am not a Democrat, so maybe I don’t know, but is there literally no other competent young candidates available to put forward?

Any insults directed at white people (i.e., a supposed slur or racial insult) are ones that have no institutional power behind them in an historical context. The N-word wasn’t just a mean word hurled at African-Americans by white people it was one whose force to intimidate and demean was and is supported by the power

What if Michael had said to him, “yeah, sure, go ahead since you are such a hip-hop fan”? In fact, I think that is what Michael should have said and then asked him for a follow-up message after he tried this out in public in a city or town that isn’t Spokane. We would be reading a story about a guy getting the shit