
Call the Whambulance.

He didn’t get his participation trophy so now, arms folded over, he is going home. Basically, he only does the right thing when there is an audience and he gets acknowledged. Pfffft, fuck that guy.

Katerina Tikhonova is that you again? Google translate is making some of your “points” incoherent and a bit muddled.

Too bad you aren’t able to actually make an original or logical point. You attack people in a way that seems like a transparent bit of transference of your own insecurities. You regurgitate stale Info Wars conspiracy babble and general right wingnuttery. And the coup de grace is your final CAP LOCKS scream into the

Alex? Alex Jones is that you?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Good one comrade, daddy Putin and Donny Dildo would be so proud of your toadyism.

Clutches string of pearls that actually don’t exist around neck (A la Orin Hatch w/ the imaginary glasses).

Pretty sure he graduated from the Mein Kampf Debating Academy.

Fox News, where the mediocre and undeserving failures of the world go to flourish. The Alaska of main stream media.

Dude, he’s a lazy Zod, not sod. Jesus Christ wtf is the matter with you? I mean come on, it’s just so maddening when people don’t wait for their meds to kick in.

Oh dear, aren’t you sweet with your “half the country” line. You know it is a bit more than half.

Pres. Dildo has the “make him look bad” thing completely covered, biased people don’t need to lift a finger.

But how can I be a big, strong Manz if I am not dominating, belittling or otherwise flaunting my undeserved entitlement over others (especially of the opposite sex)?

I get that there are aspects of social media that seem to reinforce the worst ideas and behaviors of humanity, but you are correct to see that the technology isn’t causing a decline just illuminating something that has always been present. In my mind social media is just the messenger, and you know they say not to

If there are men stupid enough to employ this kind of “logic” then it is for the best that they not interact with women in any situations. I don’t see how that would be a lose for women.

Pick-up Artists a/k/a rapists who convince their victims it was their idea the whole time.

While not technically qualifying for a solid diagnosis of autism, most men probably qualify for such a diagnosis in spirit.

Well, what if we make the dolls so that every orifice is in reality a small guillotine set-up like a rat trap?

Don’t waste your time on this shit stain, unless you enjoy white tears (then by all means carry on).

I vote for “both”. Also, fuck her and her boss.