I’m an in house attorney and that is going on my office wall.
I’m an in house attorney and that is going on my office wall.
For me, there are these times when my tiny little brain tries to comprehend the Holocaust. In college, I took some history class where I read a book that had all the numbers broken down by country, and for some reason that made it sink it more and I just sat in the library and cried. This was another of those times.…
This hit me on such a gut level. My own school aged kids’ great-grandfather (my husband’s grandfather) had the foresight and bravery to lead his family out of Austria right before the borders closed, against his wife’s wishes, and at great personal cost. Nothing like this guy obviously. But I just get a headache…
I took my kids the day after my 11 year old little boy was “promoted” from fifth grade. I also have a 10 year old daughter. So I was already in a weird emotional state— my baby is so big now he’s not even in elementary school, and by the way how did I get so old myself? And then the little girl with all her emotions.…
She looks like my 10 year old.
I made the mistake of buying one, and the even bigger mistake of wearing it today to a daytime event— I was forcing myself to get some use out of it. I felt super gross the whole time, like I had gained weight and that’s why it was pulling at the crotch. While simultaneously being too low in the neck so I was risking…
It’s okay— their dirty little secret is they all feel like slackers for not working anymore. So they’re taking it out on you by being all, “why is it the SAME moms always doing EVERYTHING!!!” When in fact they’ve manufactured all this “bring the teacher a venti green tea frappacino for teacher’s appreciation week”…
Truth. Mine are benefiting from it right now.
This is very true, at least once the kids aren’t toddlers anymore. Babies and toddlers are super demanding and it does take 24/7 work to care for them. But later, the thing that seems to be stressing out the stay at home moms I know is the stuff you’re describing— putting each of three kids in four sports per year,…
Right? And add in money for private school if you have kids, unless you are in one of the two or three tiny areas with decent public schools. I’m in one of those tiny areas and you can’t get a single family home for less than about $1.5M right now, but it’s really a shack that you can only get if you can get to it…
Yea I don’t get why this is even that noteworthy. I’d totally get them that $110 camping stove. Every registry i’ve seen has some outrageous stuff on it, either for random rich relatives or people who want to go in together on a gift. I don’t get mad, I just shop early and make sure I can score the thing that seems…
Never heard of it but I think the company would still need to prove each individual malpractice incident.
It’s only malpractice if you actually give that crap advice. Not if Sharon the office manager tells the pregnant employees stupid things while you’re not around. Or if the executive is like, “it just doesn’t make sense that I can’t fire these people who I think are bad, what does it matter if they’re pregnant, are you…
From what I’ve seen, a lot of smaller or mid size companies don’t have in house counsel, or if they do, they’re what we call “jack of all trades” lawyers who don’t know employment at all, and certainly couldn’t walk anyone through CA leave laws. But they’re dangerous because they’re trained to act like they know…
The biggest problems I have at work as an in house employment lawyer come from executives flipping out when I tell them stuff. Including my boss (also a lawyer).
I do like it. I’m in house now after years of defense side litigation.
CA Pregnancy Disability Leave is not “four months guaranteed leave,” not for everyone. It’s only while you are “actually disabled on account of pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions.” So for a standard pregnancy, 6-8 weeks of unpaid leave is almost accurate— it just doesn’t include any time she was disabled…
Another question— how many of those pregnancies had been announced? They’ll have to prove knowledge.
Yes, if that’s true. I do employment defense and it’s really common for plaintiffs to claim that when, in fact the “replacements” actually do some completely different function. I have a case like that right now— the other side is claiming their guy, who was not exactly a rocket scientist, could have done all these…
Caitlyn is pulling that look off really well, but it’s still a little Real Housewives— so much makeup and very Dynasty looking hair, clothes, etc. I wonder if it’s hard for someone like the trans woman at my work to see all this. On the one hand, it’s promoting acceptance and normalcy. On the other hand, the trans…