
Yes we love it there. We did a lot of museums that trip considering we had little monsters with us.

I generally agree with this, and I can’t stand really crowded tourist sights. But the concept can be taken a little too far. When I was planning our upcoming trip to Thailand (first time for all of us, and we’ll be with two school aged kids), I talked to a friend’s travel agent who was insistent that I avoid pretty

It was the only time I would eat it. But not anymore— I got VERY sick after eating at a McDonald’s in Istanbul. Who knows what it really was but of course now I associate being deathly ill with it.

Same here. I don’t do well with crowds. Plus I had my 7 and 9 year olds with me. We breezed through much of it, then ended up heading to the Egyptian exhibit, which is huge and awesome, plus more interesting for kids. Then we left.

It’s totally the one area that you can do correctly as a parent just by trying really hard. Everything else has a bit of a crapshoot factor. Like helping a struggling first grade reader, or getting a 10 month old to not wake up every two hours. You can do everything and put so much work in, but it still depends on

OMG. I was on a mom board for years, starting when I was trying to get pregnant and all the way until maybe 2-3 years ago (my oldest is 11). There was so much weirdness and comedy about it, but the car seat freakery was definitely one of the weirdest. There was a member who I guess was planning on becoming a car seat

I hear he has another one coming soon— Brawndo, it’s what plants crave.

I know- and it’s only a matter of time until Trump goes on Twitter or some news show and calls her a loser, a lightweight, etc.

Me too. Imagine this— he reminds me so much of my asshole brother in law. Same politics, same accent, same coloring, same assholery. It’s terrifying- they’ve melded into one hideous orange and pink blob in my mind.

It was hard in that I felt sort of frazzled, with my brain all over the place. But I wasn’t one of those moms who is like in tears and can’t bear to leave her kid. I probably would have preferred part time, and I did eventually leave to go to a 3 day a week job for awhile. People at work were cool about it— there were

My sitter has totally taken mine to the indoor rock climbing place. The older candidates say they’re going to do all the active stuff but I’m not so sure.

Yea see I would think that, too, because I myself am fairly bad ass. But the SAHMs make up for it 1000 times over just by being at the school constantly— they are in the teachers and principal’s face all week long. I have one SAHM friend who is so involved, the new principal actually met with her before starting her

Yes but I was in the red nearly every month, until the kids started all day preschool and my childcare costs were slashed in half. Then they went to kindergarten and they were slashed in half again. Hallelujah praise Jesus!!!!!!

I had a great one for five years who spoke Spanish to my kids and was a member of some type of vague spiritual yoga type religion. So no Christianity. She was also a former preschool teacher and was super into healthy eating. It was awesome.

If you call this desk job a “lifestyle.”

Truth. My 20-something nanny is with my two big kids right now. They’ve been hiking, swimming, and playing volleyball all summer. I loved my older nanny we had for five years when they were small, but this works out better now.

I live in one of those districts. In Southern California, near the beach. Any chance it’s nearby? ;)

That completely sucks and those parents are assholes. But I will tell you it does kind of suck when your kid gets the class with the teacher who is going out on leave mid-year, and in our case, who already split the week in a job share arrangement with a teacher who sucked big time. The only point I got mad was when I

I live in the US and I have 4 weeks vacation and unlimited sick, plus six months’ fully paid short term disability leave in the event I ever needed it. Our state also provides paid family leave benefits for six weeks, and a year of short term disability. But yes, most are not so lucky.

Exactly. I’m on my second very cute 20-something nanny (my kids are bigger now so that age group works out well, especially in summer), and my husband would never even think of hitting on them. Because he’s not a cheating asshole. And the nannies, I’m SURE they’re not interested either because they’re decent people.