Suck it, Pinkham

Ouch. I did the same thing about 10 years ago with a B5 S4 Audi.

no mention that only this and the summit are offered with the QDII and Quadra-Lift air suspension?

for people who don’t like cars, they might as well be the same.

Until the thin blue line starts demanding that they follow the laws they enforce and stops covering for the incompetent boobs within their ranks, they are all the enemy.

looks like appleton/oskosh.

Oh, this ISNT david tracy ?

had to take Lyft to parts store?
... how many cars do you own?


people told you what to do/not do...

You’re fucking dumb.

Well then.

Willful false prosecution should be a capital offense.

Nah, I’m with you.

You mean this or the R8 V8 coupe and $140,000

aren’t there already laws on the books for this situation?

why do we always pick some guy to set the example in court when cops or the relative of a police officer is hurt?

gotta love EFI, huh?

don’t tell the journalist how to journo

in other news, I have a Droid Turbo with fastcharge, and it’s less than half an hour to 80-85%. I have never run out due to this.

I looked it up and actually it is a 500, not a 600 or 55.