Suck it, Pinkham

Just saw one of these sitting on the used lot at our local VW dealer. ABC suspension collapsed, ABS inop, and other misc leaks per the window sticker, and they wanted $15000 for it. No thanks.

gawker is the other way.

Oh, you’re going to drive it for 800 solid miles?

Yeah, I live in milwaukee, and ugh...
Fuck our politicians. And the street car.

the newest Audi A4 or volvo you can afford is typically the safest car.

Bowie is a fucking pedophile, and i’m glad he’s dead, but he should have suffered for it.

doug bought wrong aston.

Doing it wrong. Buy in winter when the snow is down, early December, when people are thinking about buying xmas gifts. Ride for a season, then sell the following spring.

how about suggesting that the NFL pick up the tab like they do when off duty cops do security in uniform at regular games?

Had an A4 SLine.

AOA isn’t going to do anything about a mis advertised TT-”S” sold used at a BMW dealer. He’s going to have to go to the BMW NA CS line.

I just netted a 15% increase and take home less.

Hopefully he takes it to heart and slows down.


I have to reply to this as a PSA.

but import / customs fees...

Responding to seeing her tits splayed out all over the internet by sending her a photo of only one side of my dick, but not the whole dick. Just like that red “shirt” she’s wearing.

It’s a shit place to be a gearhead.

that good ? can you compare to E36/46 BMW or B5/B6/B7 Audi?

Just looking for a cheap AWD with a bit of luxury.