Suck it, Pinkham

I guess most will buy this for the bragging rights. And then it will disappear into obscurity again like the current Titan because the driveline will be great and the rest of the truck will be garbage.

went to buy a sleeping bag and couldn’t find anyone to help sell me one. they were all busy pitching memberships when i wanted to buy a fucking product.

fuck any and all public support of stadiums, sports teams, confrence centers, olympics, F1, etc.

pay to play college.

Guy here just got busted selling registration stickers. I think he’s facing a decade.

lol. the guardian has a record of all people shot by police in he last 5 years.

a misplaced 9mm will fuck up your day. People are routinely killed by falling bullets. Conservation of momentum dictates that if it goes up at 900 fps, it comes down at 900 fps. That will still kill you.

sorry you had a bad experience.

me likey

ehh... I’m from wisconsin. I would actually prefer a used 996 turbo over this.

People kill eachother for it because it’s illegal.

probably not.

lol. this is the comment section of jezebel.

since police file false reports every day, i would love to see this waiter get popped for blatantly lying.

and fuckwit server is part of that.

For failure to serve responsibly.

you’re stupid.


as a bartender(near a decade), I agree.