Suck it, Pinkham

Much better deals than this to be found. Maybe not on ebay... but head over to for that;

Can confirm. I’m from Wisconsin.

Jezebel is the other way. Pack your shit. Get it together, put it in a box, whatever you have to do. Take it to the shit store? Just go.

You’re just obtuse, so that makes two of us :)

Please make sure others can benefit from your poor life choices by checking the “organ donor” box on the back of your license. Thank you.

As a motorcyclist, even if you have the power, speed, and space to pass where it is a double yellow, it’s stupid to do so because nobody is expecting a vehicle to come up behind them.

Raph, can you please do us all a solid and research the cheapest good quality belts we SHOULD trust our life to?

The “thin blue line” is especially perverse when it comes to rental bacon.

You shit on the Brewers! I will have you know sir, that I am from Milwaukee.

Nah, i said above that I would rather spend the 20k and get the 996 or the C5.

I guess I’d rather have a 405HP Z06 with ‘meh’ interior than a 290hp with ‘meh’ quality and ugly dials.

Your shit comment belies your trolling.

It was a general response to everyone saying “Why are you hating on the 350 and G35?”

someone should fill them with spray foam.

To sum,

there’s assholes in every niche, but there’s more of them in stance. It’s just the nature of having the youngest fans.

i see they armor-all the entire tire. brilliant.

it was crap then, and time certainly isn’t doing it any favors.

I’m sorry, you lost me at CTS V-sport undercuts ALL of them by $25k.

Goddddd, just de fund these apples already.