I want Jared Kushner’s hot take.
I want Jared Kushner’s hot take.
He couldn’t be reached for comment.
If only they’d use spell check to control the media...
Just to clarify, CNN actually got the context of the Spencer quote wrong. Spencer was merely suggesting that Jews use occult magic to enslave their media puppets, not that Jews themselves are soulless golem. I’m sure CNN regrets the error.
CNN has actually been more embarrassing than Fox News for years now. At least with Fox you know what you’re in for. On CNN, the host of an ostensibly “respectable” program will ask a Cosby victim why she didn’t bite his dick off.
Well, he is a golem, so presumably he doesn’t really have any feelings. S/
It’s amazing to me how quickly the “mainstream media” has normalized this shit. Not even two weeks after the election, and still months before he’s sworn in, and fucking CNN is already waffling on whether it’s really fair to expect the leader of the free world to alienate his base by confirming that he doesn’t think…
Has anyone asked Sheldon Adelson what he thinks about this?
I believe they also got Caron Butler, who they traded for Kwame Brown, who they traded for Pau Gasol. Think it worked out ok for both sides
ummmm, what? The only viable piece they got was Lamar Odom. They didn’t win until they traded for Pau.
The Lakers give Nick Young, Timo Mozgov, and Lou Williams minutes. They are not cool and young. They are middle-aged and bogus.
Is this really trolling though? It’s not like the Lakers didn’t win a couple championships with the pieces acquired in the Shaq trade.
(Jimmy Haslam harvests orphans’ organs for international black market, is pardoned by Trump in 2018)
...and then burned down the orphanage. Poor kids aren’t good customers, Joe.
Well Cleveland, you had your out in 1995 to never have to deal with the heartache and pain of Cleveland Browns football and you went back to it like a bad relationship. You did this to yourself Cleveland. Remember that... you did this to yourself.
Thomas: You’ve got to lie in the bed you’ve made
It looks like the Browns offensive line could really use a some support right now. Thankfully, they should be able to count on everyone getting behind them.
“I feel nothing.”
“Welcome to the club” - Barry Sanders and Jason Hanson
Whatever strategy the front office was hoping to execute by going cheap on the offensive line, it isn’t working.