
All Rochesters are a hot freaking mess. I work at a trauma facility in southern NY where we specialize in brain injuries and drug rehab. Literally half of our 260 beds are filled with heroin overdoses, burned-out meth heads, drunken train crash survivors, and HIV/Hep C infected prostitutes.....from Rochester, NY.

I thought it might be Rochester, Illinois. You’re right, it could have been any of them!

If you love Pokemon Go I suggest giving a geocaching a shot. You still use your phone GPS, but you find real items hidden in the world. They come in a wide ranges of sizes and difficulties too. I’ve found them ranging from being a magnetized fake screw head only as thick as two quarters stacked to as large as a five

There is only one team in the North and its name is Valor!!!


So did I, and I bought it at launch. (stupid stupid stupid)

Can you bury my original reply to this thread? Off the cuff it didn’t seem like a rape joke but came back to my computer 30 minutes later and it totally does.


WW 1 is too high tech.

The fact that your avatar is no longer yellow is really throwing me off in the comments.

Nope, we’re selling TAY to Nabisco.

Thanks to everyone who keeps reading and supporting Kotaku. We love you all.

Its part of 343's shitty ass design team.

Who else is in for a Ubisoft Cinematic Universe? In the post-credits scene after the Watch_dogs movie, Jake Gyllenhaal, Fassbender, and Keanu Reeves as Watch_dogs guy get summoned by Sam Fisher (played by Tom Hardy of course). He says he wants to build a team. He slides open the door to a bunker to reveal, who else,

I enjoy how you took this as the place to air a grievance against something completely unrelated. Side note: fuck Donald Trump, dude’s a dick yo.

A very fun font for a very fun story about the death of 705 men.

I really hope you’re not actually going to spend your money on the game when you obviously have no idea how it works.

if your over a year behind thats your fault and you probably shouldnt be clicking links having to do with GoT if thats the case.

Awesome article Patrick... I know two games that burned me from their E3 presentations were Bioshock Infinite and Watch Dogs. I have never regretted a purchase as badly as I did those two games.