
I”m not sure how a relationship that didn’t really occur in front of the cameras is a relationship for the cameras. I try not to ascribe feelings to other people -- we don’t know what they feel or why, and it didn’t really sound like the cousins were in a good place when one of them went off to jail, so I can imagine

I can see why Teresa is done. I’m not so sure about Rosie as I thought she was friendly with Joe while Teresa was in prison, but I get it with Kathy. My guess is 20 years of her cousin’s husband being obnoxious and insulting really wore her nerves thin. I’ve been through similar things with family. I’m totally

some families get their kids involved in the kitchen at an early age. I grew up in a house with a small galley kitchen, so we were never really encouraged (or much wanted) in the kitchen when family meals were being made. My spouse was making coffee in a percolator and turning sausages in a pan at three. Guess which

It’s also a lot cheaper to just get married.

I really can’t help you if you don’t understand how, for example, if someone insists that those who protest against police brutality or support BLM think that cops are consciously racist assholes who intend to and go out of their way to brutalize minorities, that someone is giving themselves cover to not seriously

Nonsense. Reasonable people close to LEOs have emotional knee jerk responses to any criticism. Don’t feed it.

Nonsense. You’ve just given an excuse to every person who refuses to acknowledge there’s a problem with how the justice system treats minorities to continue to ignore that there’s a problem. Those folks are constantly hearing “systemic” as “99% of LEOs are evil, terrible people.” The views you just expressed buys

I worked some place where you could accrue up to 90 days. That’s nine years of never taking a sick day (!), but I do know that younger women expecting to have kids who planned to work there long-term banked the hours. I also worked some place where you lost your days every year, and every body always made a point of

I’m not entirely sure, but I believe men and women do start out the same salary wise. The discrepancy in pay I think tends to come pretty early though as employers start to make assumptions about marriage, babies, etc.

Yeah, I do. Let me revise since apparently you’re not able to make logical leaps or have an issue with empathy:

he’s arguing that if you use all your sick days you’ll be seen as a less valuable employee than someone who doesn’t, get fewer or smaller raises, lose out on promotions, etc.

I’m not sure what you find confusing about the concept of hindsight. You go with someone to the hospital because being in an accident is scary and being in a hospital is scary. You don’t get to cop out *after the fact* because it turns out the person wasn’t seriously injured in the end, and later claim you have

Companies and HR look at it that sick time is for being sick or taking care of a sick person for a day or two.

Christians don’t have a corner on the compassion, empathy and kindness market. Decent people of all faiths, or non-faith, visit people on the hospital. A place pretty universally acknowledged to be kind of scary.

Christians visit the sick in the hospital.

Perhaps if she’d been closer to home, she could have asked closer friends to come with.

Yeah, summer has been hanging on here. Sunday wasn’t as bad as Saturday and earlier, but certaily this late in the summer it’s usually quite nice. Much of the NE and all of the mid-Atlantic states have hot and humid summers. I don’t get the argument that since east Texas has worse summers it must mean something is

Normal people do not overheat in 78 degree weather.

I have no more interest in your inability to read a graph.

Take a look directly to the right of the block that say 6 am.