
Indeed you did lament about the appearance of a constant stream of racist recordings in America, a land significantly bigger and with a larger population than England. And following that you offered your (wild) opinion that:

I’ll be happy to say my criticism of your argument isn’t TMZ specific, and it appears I mispoke about TMZ. However, that’s actually doesn’t change the content of my criticism, which the following:

Seriously, is it that hard to understand your argument was criticized for being weak because it was weak. Below is your super weak argument to support your opinion again for you. This is a weak argument for the reasons stated above. If you want to pretend paragraph two doesn’t attempt support your “wild opinion” in

What does any of that have to do with your poorly argued opinion? Which, quoted numerous times for you, suggests you hold the opinion that the English are less racist than Americans because of the release of recordings to TMZ. Or are you going to try to pretend again that the statement below is two separate statements

Why are you trying to claim this is two separate statements? Click on it. It’s one. That you wrote. Unless there’s another Matt. It’s okay to admit you have forgotten your bad argument. I think you should see about getting a refund for that Masters.

Yeah, you clearly don’t understand how supporting an argument works and what it means to be critical of a very weak argument. I’m going to suggest in the future you avoid taking umbrage at anyone analyzing your arguments and spotting their weaknesses, because you lack the skills to understand what that means.

So are you arguing that a different Matt posted the following? That might be possible, but I’m not buying it. You can click below to refresh your memory.

Yeah, bud. That quote is yours. You in fact did offer the opinion that the English are less racist than the average American. Don’t believe me? Scroll up, because you’ve obviously forgotten what opinion you offered in your quest to misunderstand someone who responded to you. It’s either willful misunderstanding, or

The person you’ve been arguing never made the claim that racism is the same everywhere. That you insist on pretending that person did demonstrates you’re either really, really stupid, or you’re willfully misunderstanding the point that person was making.

I thought homosexual activity traditionally involved people of the same gender.

You know, in fine dining restaurants in NYC, where is a required sick leave law, it is not uncommon for line cooks to be pressured to work when sick. It’s kind of an accepted thing. Basically, staffing at these places is bare bones, so the moment someone on the line calls in sick, it’s an absolute disaster.


Once again, if you want to take a conversation that involves someone pointing out that racism is universal and try to pin them with claiming racism is the same everywhere in every way, at least be honest with yourself that you are intentionally missing that person’s point so you can mark a “win” in your column. You

Except in fact, you did utter the opinion that “we [The English]are less racist than the average american”

If you want to take a conversation that involves someone pointing out that racism is universal and try to pin them with claiming racism is the same everywhere in every way, at least be honest with yourself that

I agree. But arguing that closet racists getting caught on tape being racists somehow justifies the opinion that “we [The English]are less racist than the average american” is a very weak argument to support that opinion. You may as well take a tour of American insane asylums and use that as evidence that there’s way

Do you suppose there’s a lot of videos recorded of people that don’t include racists rants that are never submitted to TMZ because that’s not very interesting?

I just don’t buy this. Like, are there really 26 year old women passing up on dating 26 year old men because their income isn’t big enough yet? I just didn’t see this. At 26, all my friends who were dating or involved were dating guys around their age. There was a disparity in dating older for a few years in our early

I was where you were about 7 years ago. I had a string of failed relationships, none of which lasted very long. I’d meet someone, start to fall for the guy, had affection and interest reciprocated, made short term plans together, and each time between 4- 8 weeks, got dumped. Suddenly. It was a string of those over the

this makes me realize that I may have a bit of a coffee addiction. I had surgery last year and was dreading getting a coffee withdrawal headache the morning of. I was happy it didn’t happen. So maybe it’s a psychological addiction and not a physical one.

Yes it was. Once again, take a look at the initial post of mine you responded to. The one I quoted above for your benefit.

Totally was. Numerous times. Including my first post on this thread. If you want to believe the standard work week for salaried employees has always been 9-6, go ahead and believe it, but you’re wrong.