
“My prayers are with you” congressmen numbingly utter, but in the same breath they greedily whisper “my votes are with the NRA.” Our congressional leaders need to get up off their knees and do something about gun violence.Offering prayers but failing to act make their prayers ring hollow.http://envisioningtheamericand

That phrase “20 minutes of action” keeps echoing in my head. In a culture of booze, sports, and privilege college is often a ripe breeding ground for rape culture and victim blaming. Committing sexual assault is not “getting action.” Hard to believe, but beginning in 1968 Playboy Magazine regularly ran a guide for the

Nearly 60 year ago, a young senator named John F Kennedy asked and answered the prescient question - Can a woman be president? in a 1956 article he wrote for a woman’s magazine. At a time when estrogen and ambition was seen as a potent cocktail, its interesting to see what JFK had to say. A 9 year old Hillary Rodham

Cosby may be going to trial but the systems and institutions that enabled him for decades? Not so much.

We live in a culture of looking the other way. The same powerful publicity machines that protected Bill Cosby for so many years, are doing the same to Woody Allen. Ronan Farrow can teach us about questioning powerful men accused of sexual abuse in a media that all but enables them. Decades ago I was once encouraged to

We live in a culture of looking the other way. The same powerful publicity machines that protected Bill Cosby for so many years, are doing the same to Woody Allen. Decades ago I was once encouraged to be silent, the damage of being silenced lingers still

The same powerful publicity machines that Ronan Farrow justly calls out, that have made the media complacent towards Woody Allen, were hard at work for Bill Cosby for years.

Under the banner of states sovereignty, North Carolina will fight for its right to discriminate against transgender people.

North Carolina complaining about feds interfering... Didn’t we hear this same old tune down in Dixie before

Last time I used my womans card, I got paid less and was ignored.

A monetary settlement without admission of wrongdoing to a 12 year old boy is wrong in itself. White children learn early on the policeman is your friend. He keeps us safe It is their truth but the truth is often skewed as simplistic as the vintage schoolbook illustrations I grew up with. The all American white

When it comes to body shaming, many girls cut their baby teeth on the on going comic book cat fights between Betty and Veronica, with oh-so-perfect-rich girl-Ronnie constantly body shaming the supposedly less than perfect Betty. Calling Amy Schumer to the rescue. Seemingly silly, this comic book body shaming does

In simpler pre hi tech times, perhaps the straying spouse would have benefited from some advice made especially for cheating spouses that was offered in a vintage book called “Mister and Mistress: A Guide to the Etiquette of Off the Record Romance” giving the mid century reader tips on the etiquette of straying, or as

While every self-respecting boomer can recite the lyrics to the Patty Duke Show theme , her short-lived career as pop star may not have made as indelible an impression. But when she sang her 1965 hit song “Dont Just Stand There” on TV’s shindig, it was a stand out for me. Check out the album:

After the celebrating about gay marriage has quieted there’s lots more work to be done. Opponents of gay rights legislation are ramping up none too quietly. LGBT community is still vulnerable when it comes to housing and employment.

In the retro world of Republicans, women still take a back seat when it comes to controlling their own bodies.Without any safety precautions its a dangerous ride indeed.Does it matter who’s at the betchum.

We hear you loud and clear Donald. With David Dukes endorsement, Donald Trump will make America White Again...just what his followerd want

With David Dukes endorsement, Donald Trump will make America White Again ...just what his followers want

In scanning through a vintage magazine from 1966, I did a double take on a provocative article with the headline explaining how “I Spy” leading man Bill Cosby lamented “Why Won’t They Let Me Kiss on TV?” Perhaps frustrated at not getting enough romantic action as a secret agent on the small screen, the now disgraced