
As a sailor, it’s funny to see that called out directly in the article. I did 4hrs on 4hrs off for 21 days on a sailing trip across the Atlantic. I definitely got used to it, but found that each 4 hour on period was like a mini day - wake up sleepy, food and coffee and feel wide awake, work my shift like normal, eat

i swear, when its my time, im not telling anyone the sex because i refuse to outfit my baby in the awful pink and blue ish all over the place.

Ugh, I’m 20 weeks pregnant today, I break into hives whenever I start to research strollers, car seats, etc. We’re going to get a lot of hand-me-downs, but some stuff we’re going to have to shell out for. I HATE feeling like we are being shaken down for all our money by an industry that also insists on these cutesy,

That baby is so cute :::cheeks:::

My neighbors who are VERY pro trump only refer to her as Killary. I unfollowed her on Facebook, but she still comments on my other friends Gary Johnson posts (which is a REAL shit show). It drives me insane.

I need this election to quickly pass because I am not sure I can take much more.

Sore loser — and he hasn’t even lost yet! Talk about your performance anxiety, Don. Premature election, the struggle is real.

Voldemort had a more defined policy platform.

Everyone thought you needed cardio for the Zombie Apocalypse. It turns out you needed it more for the Trump presidency.

With how scarce Melania has been since the convention, I wonder if she is “allowed” to speak for herself. I know Trump tends to do a lot of projecting, so perhaps we should have foreseen this when he went after the Khan family.

I like how much of the GOP, if not all, still think they hold the moral high ground over everyone else.

I ran the Detroit half-marathon Sunday. There were tons of spectators, many with signs, so I saw lots of variations on “Run like Trump is Trying to Grab Your Pussy.” Seeing one around mile 12 did help put a little pep in my step.

I understand how aborting fetuses with Down Syndrome is controversial to some but how can anyone feel good about forcing a woman to have a child with special needs she doesn’t feel capable of caring for? Poland better be giving these women TONS of support but my guess is they don’t care once the child is born.

Agreed! Sticky, messy, and a yeast infection waiting to thanks.

He is the king of projection. Every time he levels something against Hillary I now just assume he is talking about himself. “Hillary’s Foundation is shady!” (but his has actually broken the law) “It’s pay-to-play!” (sort of like that bribe you forked over to Bondi), “She doesn’t have the look to be President!” (stands

Quite a few of the older “Family Values” maniacs have this VHS tape in their collections. It’s probably in a box in the basement now, since they’ve switched to online porn, but it’s still a box that was too valued to throw away.

Don’t do that to Odo.

Just a guess, but probably not the independent bookstore that said they lost money agreeing to being used as a set (for a skit that pretty much just straight-up mocks the owners of the store)...?

Winston has one cool trick for protecting his team against Dva’s exploding mech. In a feat of extraordinary bravery, /u/VaporTsunami discovered that Winston’s barrier can contain the blast.

To be fair, sometimes Japanese people order unfamiliar dishes, a bunch of plates and side dishes come (i.e., stuff needs to be mixed in or dipped) and they have to ask for a quick how-to—a "Do I put this in this?" kinda thing.