
Thank you. I have had a sister who had a double mastectomy because of this, and I am so ROPEABLE right now! I feel so upset and so deeply offended at the ignorance, immaturity, and plain irresponsibility of DScully and the other poster. I am practically shaking with rage right now that its lucky they're not in the

Clearly you are a troll because from a biomedical [sic] standpoint, it is not only VERY RESPONSIBLE, it is very very important that she talks about it. No doctor would call it irresponsible. None. You are deeply ill-informed and ignorant and I suggest you shut up until you grow up and become more informed on

So, because someone was a cutter when a TEEN, years ago, they must wear that scarlet letter for the rest of their life? Wtf? Having a mastectomy and cutting are TWO ENTIRELY different things. It seems you are prejudiced against cutters and you cannot move past that so see and judge her through that prism. MY

Wow. You truly are a nasty and ignorant person. If you did any research whatsoever you'd know this is GOOD medicine and a LIFE-SAVING PREVENTATIVE. She has 87% chance of getting an *aggressive* form of cancer. Thats not paranoid. You'd be a bloody IDIOT if you DIDN'T at that rate. To claim her whopping 87%

What? You honestly think she'd go to all the trouble of a double mastectomy and her Doctors in on it too, even describing the procedure she had done on their website, just for a boob job? Seriously, she's never bothered about plastic surgery before, so why would she go to all that length and having the medical

On the contrary. Its because Angelina is attractive and famous that people jealously attack her and try to diminish her accomplishments and attempt to say she does it all for attention. If Angelina were less attractive and certainly less famous, people would be praising her non-stop. But because she is beautiful,

*whispers* insane jealousy and wishful thinking from MoneyBooBoo.

So you are saying that cutting is related to her double mastectomy? What sort of evil hateful creature are you? Her DOCTORS provided statements and information on the procedure she underwent. Are you calling those DOCTORS, *liars*? It was on their medical centre's website. Do you really think Doctors and a whole

Ew! She looks hideous!

Are you Huvane? Lol Because talk about projection! Angelina has never been vindictive in her life. She has never said one bad word about anyone, unlike Aniston who drags up her divorce and blames everything on Brad and Angelina and takes no responsibility herself. Angelina hates no one, she has never attacked

Her humanitarian work is why people love her. This vindictive article from Aniston and Huvane who are OBSESSED with Angelina, won't change that.

And you know he is still doing it, and in front of kids - how?

Have you heard of a thing called photoshopping? Try actually looking at the cover.

Excuse me? Just what the hell is YOUR problem?!?!???? Hollywood is NOT merely American, it is made up of foreign actors and actresses. It is NOT *your* Hollywood or *your* actors. And its been proven that the Australian media is more truthful and less tacky sensationistically BULLSHIT driven than the stupid yank

And you know for a fact he is still doing it let alone in front of his children - how?

And you know he is still doing it, let alone still doing it in front of the children - how?