Offensive is in the eye of the beholder. You can’t compare it to racism cause there’s tons of women who do actually like being sexy, dominant or both. The article even states that shaming those women is just as bad (in a way)
Offensive is in the eye of the beholder. You can’t compare it to racism cause there’s tons of women who do actually like being sexy, dominant or both. The article even states that shaming those women is just as bad (in a way)
What a great article about how someone can have a variety of complex, nuanced—and, most importantly—evolving viewpoints about not just a divisive topic, but all the sexist/misogynistic baggage around that character. Thank you for writing this.
Negotiating the complexities of playing a powerful warrior steeped in the male gaze
In New York state, black women are four times more likely to die during childbirth than white women. In order to…
The Buffalo News did a story on it. Sweet, sweet justice that these parents are going to deal with their abuse being covered in the local paper. If the comments are, in fact, local they may have a shunning of their own in their futures. Also interviews the “father.”
Oh her parents are worse. After they learned of the go fund me page they reached out for reconciliation and therapy. Guess they got scared of being outed as evil bigots and tried to make nice.
Fuck her shitty ass parents. Bill for family vacation... I hope she never pays and it fucks up your credit forever, you trifling, nasty assholes. I hope Discover calls you nightly. I hope this article gets you hate mail.
We do such a great job with our kids, eh? Her parents disown her. The school that’s supposed to be leading her through the last stage of becoming an adult tries to fuck her over. And the only organization that could theoretically protect her from the asshole Jesus freak fuckwads at the school sees what’s going on and…
Apparently not in Ireland.
Over the summer, Canisius College cross-country runner Emily Scheck was disowned by her family after her mother…
The Latin Grammys—the more lively alternative to the regular Grammys—happened on Thursday, and the women in the room…
Every group has them, and they are an unspeakable shame in each of our minority populations. Pick a minority group in the US and maybe 10 or 15% identify as conservative/right-wing. But from those 10-15%, the most outspoken and shameless will be promoted to prominence by the Republican machine (“See, we’ve got…
You know who DOES show explicit images from porn in their lectures, without the permission of performers either, are the anti-porn feminists.
Lace is just pretty. You can wear lacy underthings for *yourself*...
Gosh by this logic, any woman who wanders through the lingerie section too long in Target must be asking for it too. Unless you buy plain white cotton briefs, ladies, you’re apparently advertising to the entire store that you’re a harlot.
How the HELL does a woman do this to a girl?
OMFG CENSORSHIP!!!!!! Isn’t that what conservatives scream when one of their speakers gets uninvited to speak at a university? So it’s the same fucking playbook on both sides, except this is actual solid information and not expert trollers like Ann Coulter and Milo Fuckface.
What can I do? How can we stop this? This is maddening. This is scary. This is real and this is happening. I am so tired of the “she was wearing a low cut top”/”was in a bar at midnight”/whatever else. I should be able to walk outside my house naked and not have a dick shoved in me. And in the same form, I’m so tired…
The rapist’s lawyer is named Elizabeth O’Connell. Dox the witch.
Why does Jill have to be “classy” all the time?!?!? Summa deez pearl clutchin folk could obviously use some of that super duper head or some Crown Royal type sex. lol