
A power imbalance being present is not the same as power being abused.

Monica. Is Not. A victim. Full Stop. Two adults do not have to have the same level of power/status in order for sex to be consensual.

Thank you, ladies. This is giving me life because female sexual agency is important, and we just can’t protect that or even effectively fight rape culture by treating women like victims every time they have sex we don ‘t like. No to this infantalization. When adult sexual relationships are being discussed, a

But Clinton didn't pressure Monica to do anything. She, an adult, went to the white house with the intention of fulfilling her fantasy of sleeping with the president. Sometimes grown folks want to sleep with presidents, kings, a dutchess, a princess, a celebrity, an emperor, etc. 

That’s also part of the reason why I think we need to stop lazily misusing the word ‘objectification’ to mean, “Anytime I think a woman should cover up/ save that for a boyfriend or husband." Objectification  is a real issue, but conflating a lack of female modesty with dehumanization is dangerous.

I don’t have a problem with the fact that he sexualized her because the couple sexualized each other, and she seemed to be ok with it. But that birth control joke was all kinds of NO (even if it was meant to be a reversal of the whole 'thirsty gold-digging woman traps hapless rich man with baby' trope). Read the room,

The fact that she danced in the video for that song in the past doesn’t also mean she necessarily agreed with the parts of the song that were problematic, though. It just means that at that time, she didn't mind getting paid to be a part of a project where some of the dialogue was problematic/ went against her values.

Agree. It’s the lyrics (which, at the end of the day, she was not in charge of) that were problematic, not her dancing topless or in a nude bikini.

Two out of three of those women are also into women, so I'm going to have to disagree a little bit. It was performative, but not exploitative. As a bisexual woman, I'm all for people being free to be just as performative about their sexuality as straight celebrities are with theirs.

Christina is authentically the more talented of those two, though. She's one of the few disney stars I can honestly say that about.

I'm loving this for Emily too, because she has taken so much gaslighting and misogynistic abuse from the right AND the left, including from feminists. #Slutwalk4eva, bitches!

...and later said she regretted it. I give her a pass. Since then, she has shown herself to be on our side.

Hallelujah. I'm done with these types too and refer to them and their toxic attitudes as 'Desensitized Good Girl Syndrome '.

Lately I and some others have been referring to this type of behavior from other women as ‘Desensitized Good Girl Syndrome’. You see this dismissive, mocking, Damonsplaining/ Dear Muslimah- type attitudes a lot when issues like rape culture and slut-shaming come up.

Just no. You can teach people about consent AND allow them to masturbate with inanimate objects. It’s not an either of thing. These people are victim-blaming misogynists who want to conveniently blame rape on men being tempted and pleasured by any woman- or in this case, any THING- other than a wife. There’s nothing

That moment when you see a photo of a group of people and wish everyone in it would simultaneously suffer a massive aneurysm. I hate these people.

Did anybody see that disgusting, misogynistic rant K. Michelle went on against Amber Rose in defense of Bill Cosby? This world is full of KellyAnne Conways. #TeamAmberRose

To me it's just a (kind of humorous) manifestation of some men's desire to experience sexual pleasure without having to deal with the social aspect of sexual relationships. Some of that may also be insecurity, but I don't think it's harmful.

And it’s such a disgusting, yet socially acceptable and calculating move for these religious men to blame sexual misconduct in their churches on porn. It’s just another way for them to say female immodesty drives men to rape. Pure victim-blaming. There really isn’t much difference between the ‘her short skirt made him

Of course someone had to come along and make it a gripefest about feminists being slutty.