
I know, but it’s even cringier in the English dub now.

Your whole argument has been about how strippers deliberately putting lust in the eyes of men who may be married to/dating women who aren’t okay with it is on the same level as abusing and discriminating against people. That, my dear, is sexual jealousy. Own it. It is not misogynistic to acknowledge that women are

Your relationship being disrespected (‘Wah! Jolene didn’t even check to see whether or not Bae had a dissaproving Mrs. at home before baring her bosom and spinning on the pole!) is not the same as someone else’s humanity being disrespected, love.

Everything you said was puritanical- and quite predictable. Evangelical Christians love ‘feminists’ like you. You should be worried about that, dearie.

It’s not the responsibility of businesses to reinforce whatever personal morality you and your man have established for your relationship. The world does not revolve around you and your romance. Not all strippers sleep with their clients, but if your mate cheats on you- be it with a stripper, a co-worker, an ex, a

It’s exactly the same and you know it. Actually, the latter should bother you more because one involves actual sex while the other involves just seeing a naked person dance.

I’m sorry you’re so caught up in your delusional slut-shaming that you think women shaking their tits at other women’s consenting mates is the same as sex workers getting abused. God you’re an idiotic prude. It’s obvious that you’re the type of ‘feminist’ who would demands national dress code for women just because

“Did I hurt your feelings?” So now you’re playing the alt-right’s “Feeling triggered” card because feminists are calling you out for being problematic and narcissistic. Typical.

Your sexual jealousy is not more important than other women’s right to support themselves. If your boyfriend/ husband going to a strip club is a monogamy deal-breaker for you, it’s your responsibility to Woman Up by using your agency to articulate that boundary early on in the relationship (which means you also have

It’s like it’s completely lost on these crackers that this was for fucking charity.

There are already comment sections and thinkpieces using ‘in light of #metoo’ as an argument for why women in the entertainment industry need to be more conservative in the way they present in photoshoots, red carpet events, music videos, etc. and turn down roles that involve sex and violence in order to prove their

Because she’s interested in art and her family has money? Calm down.

Get over it. You’re being melodramatic. If you don’t like how they spend their money, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and go make your own.

Baron Trump is probably going to grow up to be a rapist just like his daddy.

Sounds like you’re already a fucking bitter monster, demonizing a child just because your broke ass has a problem with how her successful family spends their own money. You’re probably one of the same people who cries about how Baron Trump should be off limits.

It is, but one of the most annoying asspulls (and one of the things that’s ruining the return of Trunks for me) is the Trunks/Mai thing being crammed down our throats every episode for this saga. They should have just spared us all the cringe and put a new useful saiyan girl around Trunk’s age in that role. There was

Speaking of which, the Trunks and Mai pairing/love he scenes is one of the main things ruining the current saga of DBS for me. Much cringe. 

Right? The movement is already being used by both the left and the right to selectively gslight women, promote the Damaged Slutz trope, promote that ‘See how dangerous hook-up culture, female immodesty, and allowing women Too Much Choice can be?’ narrative, and justify smearing famous women as predator’s hookers.

Yeah, hopefully this movement won’t be used as an excuse by people (including scummy paparazzi) to start randomly asking famous women if they’ve been raped. You know any negative reaction a female celebrity has to a question like that will be turned into tabloid/exploitative blind gossip fodder and either be taken as

You should see some of the ridiculous hate and pearl-clutching directed her way on other sites just for taking this role in Red Sparrow. In a nutshell: No True Feminist stars in movies like that, and any woman who does has no self-respect, is a bad role model, and should turn in her #TimesUp pin.” Funny how with male