
That’s a false equivalent because you’re comparing an adult (a young one-younger than Monica was when she participated in this affair, but still grown) having sexual contact with a kid to two adults having an affair. This is peak infantalization of white women. Two adults do not have to have the same socioeconomic

Right. But it wouldn’t make you a rapist or him a victim if you two did act on your desires with each other. Now, if you were to imply that you’d sabotage his career or ruin his reputation if things didn’t go the way you wanted, that’s coercion.

Disagree. Just because there’s an imbalance of power between two adults who decided to fuck doesn’t automatically mean the adult with less power is being raped/coerced. You have to look at whether or not the adult with more power used that power to threaten the other adult into sex. (Example: threatening their career,

That’s not the problem. People were suggesting all over the place that the only way a woman would wear such a revealing gown there was if male creeps made her do it, (as if on our own we women are incapable of choosing anything but modesty for ourselves), saying #MeToo meant she shouldn’t have showed up like that, and

There were definitely people dragging feminism into it from the start by making her into a ‘victim’ just because she wasn’t dressed modestly. People even started pulling the “In light of #MeToo, women need to cover up” card in some places.

Yes, people are definitely trying to downplay what the reactions were in order to make her look hysterical and oversensitive for being clear about what she does and does not want to do with her body. Not cool. This would never fly if it were a woman talking about how she wants to keep it ‘classy’.

Women are also pressured to avoid looking ‘like whores and sluts’ through making ‘classier choices’, but there’s conveniently a lot less pearl-clutching about that, provided that she isn’t Muslim. Women who don’t stick to what’s considered ‘Good Girl’ are consistently painted as victims, anti feminists, and harassed,

Good for her for standing up for herself. I agree.

You must not have seen the articles and comment sections, because people definitely dragged feminism into it from the start by making her into a ‘victim’ just because she wasn’t dressed modestly. People even pulled the “In light of #Metoo, women need to cover up” card in some places.

That’s not the problem. People were suggesting all over the place that the only way a woman would wear such a revealing dress in that setting was if some perverted male made her do it, (as if we omen are incapable of choosing anything other than modesty for ourselves), making a victim of her when she clearly was not

The ‘pornography is inherently evil and defiling’ stance on both sides is really just about sexual jealousy, female modesty, and victim-blaming at it’s core.

Porn, like any other form of entertainment a person could look at, read, listen to, create etc., can reflect problematic shit that’s already there in society. That doesn’t mean pornography is in and of itself misogynistic.

I’m saying that sexism and the fact that men commit the majority of the sex crimes is the reason why the way they verbalize attraction to young women is under more scrutiny than young women’s comments about attraction to young men. Not saying that women who prey on kids are less harmful or perverted than men who do

Nobody is preying on a child here. A 27-year-old woman thinks this man, who is 22, is hot and says she’d go for it if he was 30. That’s hardly the same as a teacher grooming or preying on some kid they teach.

“....but not worried for his safety.” Bingo. That’s what all the fauxraged MRA babies and their cheerleaders need to get. You can’t just erase statistic about what men do more and facts about privilege to cry ‘reverse sexism’ orr ‘reverse racism’ to garner sympathy.

You might want to change your username to make this more convincing.

Thank you.

So many questions, right? Are we supposed to be coordinating our outfits with the men’s now because feminism?

Yeah, I thought this post was odd.

As a tween/teen I remember being so irritated when Vanessa Hudgens and others were pressured to apologize for their nude photos.