
No offense, but you’ve got to realize that at least some of that is your patriarchal conservative conditioning at work. The idea that women need to hide the shapes of their bodies, their legs, and their shoulders in certain settings doesn’t just come to humans from nowhere.

This. But don’t you just know that the immodest young women/women of the world are just troubled, desperate, lying man-pleasing narcissists not to be taken seriously and pretending to be feminists with some oppression to resist? Society is nothing but warm, respectful, accepting, and even encouraging to women and

I think the fact that Ariel Winters mother is American, female, and not overtly-religious worked in her favor in that thread. If a Muslim man with a history of abusing his daughters or even a Trump-supporting Evangelical Christian man with a history of abusing his daughters publically shamed his daughter for not

So do you also submissively support government’s ‘right’ to restrict access to birth control and abortion, or who marries who?

Is a poor or middle class woman getting an abortion to save herself almost a quarter of a million dollars over the next 17 years exploitation then? Or getting a hysterectomy for the same reason? Are those who profit off of these procedures ‘exploiting women’?

People don’t need babies, eggs, or sperm to live normal, healthy lives though. Also, can’t people get money from donating blood?

Which is strange, because taking a choice away from women just because they’re poor or middle class doesn’t exactly give them more ‘free choice’ or solve any problems. If an anti-choicer wanted to, they could use the same logic to argue that more anti-abortion laws (as well as restrictions on women getting a

Side note but, I love how on Jezebel the feminist reactions to a guy taking his clothes off and talking about how he slept with 2 people at 13 is basically NBDbut the response to a 19 year old feminist girl wearing revealing clothes, bikini selfies, and calling out rape culture and body-shaming is This is scary...S

Side note but (don’t take this as about you, unless you’re one of the slut-shamers from the Ariel Winter thread), I love how on Jezebel the feminist reactions to a guy taking his clothes off and talking about how he slept with 2 people at 13 is basically “NBD” but the response to a 19 year old feminist girl wearing

How condescending. This is exactly why the culture of slut-shaming and victim blaming will always exist: because feminists perpetuate it.

Slightly off topic but I think that’s also part of the reason why Lena Dunham’s nudity gets accepted as empowerment while Ariel Winter’s immodesty gets concern-trolled about and dismissed as a sign that she lacks self-respect, is desperate for male approval, is a sad lost little girl, and is the next Lilo. She’s

What I don’t get is why Nicki’s history of drama/feuding with other female peers earns her a “Shame on you! Where’s your solidarity with women because feminism? So glad Remy Ma put you in your place! #Celebrate” from feminists, but Remy Ma’s history of trying to murder a woman, bragging about it, implying a woman

Ooh, 3 times.

I guess women should stop criticizing slut-shaming and victim-blaming, since feminists find it annoying.

And of course her dressing like that means she thinks getting compliments for being sexy is all she’s worth.

I guess women should just dress conservatively and not complain about the culture of slut-shaming, victim-blaming, and body-shaming then so we don’t get mistaken for Lindsay Lohan then. So fucking sick of the lies this movement tells. At least the religious right is consistent in their belief that ‘sluts are damaged

Thank you for being one of the few voices of reason on this misogynistic AF thread. I can’t believe on Jezebel so many people are tacitly supporting an abuser’s public slut-shaming of their victim AND participating in it themselves by promoting the ‘loose women are damaged and in danger’ stereotype. What do we need

So if a tabloid says a celebrity has a coke problem, it must be true? That rumor will be written about probably every celebrity at some point, true or not. The fact that our patriarchal society views women being ‘slutty’ as synonymous with women having issues already makes it easier for tabloids to spin that

“It’s the hyper-sexuality that’s concerning me.” You’re practicing the same kind of misogyny that the right does with women. The moment women are sexual/immodest in any way that doesn’t have to do with a private relationship, it’s “concerning hypersexuality.” Just because it doesn’t meet YOUR outdated standards,

You do realize though that just because rejecting female modesty was ‘false empowerment’ for YOU doesn’t mean it’s false for everyone though, right? And that saying dressing ‘slutty’ means there’s something wrong with a woman and that she’s going to end up the next Lindsay Lohan is misogynistic in and of itself,