
@Fritzy-poo It's the main theme from the original Thomas Crown Affair. It grew up to be Dana Carvey.

@I Will Probably Forget This Qu So there's not an associative rule for bestiality? Who knew?!

@I Will Probably Forget This Qu So there's not an associative rule for bestiality? Who knew?!

I once fucked a goat on horseback, does that count?

I once fucked a goat on horseback, does that count?

No, and, no.

@BruiserBody:disqus - I can't remember a day when anyone ever cared what you think about a person who made the massive error of having a life that you don't. That's a real person, you know, and whatever you think of her music, you should maybe keep your attacks away from the overly personal if you want to make your

I'll be that guy,

He'd be punching "Cerberi", from "Cerberus".

ISAM seems to be using a lot of the leftovers from Foley Room. This is a good thing. Still, nothing in creation comes close to Supermodified.

The coffee is coming from inside my nose!

Admit it: Collecting rents was always just a beard; we all know you're in it for the scheming!

Actually, E.Buzz Miller, Jake _was_ throwing in the towel in Chinatown's 3rd act. He was trying to get the mother/sister/daughter set out of town and out of reach of the evildoer, not bring him to justice. All he managed to do was limply witness the evildoer's ultimate victory.