None of what you describing is true or accurate. Superman is what ever the writers decide for him to be, and how he interacts with the world that is created around him.
None of what you describing is true or accurate. Superman is what ever the writers decide for him to be, and how he interacts with the world that is created around him.
I’d like to live in a world where we ignore misogynists. I can only imagine it is not the majority of gamers that are upset and just a small percentage of basement dwelling cave trolls. We need to stop giving them the attention they so desperately crave
*Clicks article link*
I am sure they are cameos and they got scale pay.
Well, nothing makes garbage look appealing more than the immediate alternative being shit, I suppose. There needs to be more good mermaid/sea monster maiden movies.
Why is anyone still getting any “news” from Twitter thinking it’s legit?
...of the end.
I wonder what Texas resident Elon Musk thinks about this? Suppose he’ll Tweet a criticism of Abbott? Think he’ll go against his new Republican buddies?
This is like thier 3rd comback right? Now if only Final Space could get one.
Goddamn. You can’t keep this show down, not through two cancellations and three movies. I’m stoked.
When will they get it. Even if there are 30 second ads we will not watch them. I will just get up. or turn to something else, just ditch YouTube.
An unskipable 30 sec ad means I would skip the content. YouTube is fun but nothing worth that level of ad to sit through.
If I have to choose between a soulless mega-corp and a fascist regime? Slight advantage to the mega-corp. No one cares about their tax status.
I think a lot of peoples stomach churns whenever video game violence starts looking too realistic. Last of us was controversial for how it portrayed in game violence against humans.
Ehh... I bet if Zelda II had been called anything else, it’s more likely it’d be forgotten than remembered fondly.
nah there are lots of period cars in other set photos. i think, if anything, lots of people now just dress like it’s 1988. (some people could obviously be crew, too)
Until I saw the word spelled out, I did not make the connection. Interesting what we still can learn.
Funko building a whole-ass IPO on what was clearly a fad is just fucking astounding to me.
Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.
My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.
My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.