The plus-size business is taking off—brands are launching, models are breaking out, and people are finally paying…
The plus-size business is taking off—brands are launching, models are breaking out, and people are finally paying…
You made it to the end of another week. Congratulations! Your mother and I are proud of you. And so are all of these …
A new startup that analyzes legislative data has confirmed what we long suspected: female Senators are more…
I've been on a Dune kick. The original is probably my favorite and most read book ever, but when I try to read Dune Messiah afterwards, the early chapter where the conspirators meet just turns me off. Something about the way it is written just doesn't work for me.
The plus-size business is taking off—brands are launching, models are breaking out, and people are finally paying…
....I don't know.....Good in Bed is pretty awful.
Dave, the pixels hear you dave. They don't look good on your 2000 dollar "80 inch plasma screen TV....with netflix." ~Hellsing~
Fallout is sort of anchored in that retrofuturist 1950s post-war culture thing and I can't think of a single thing…
Another day, another American company pulls some blatant fuckery involving trademarks and threatened lawsuits with…
But in our actual lives, the right songs push us out of the mundane and ordinary and into—as these study participants might have noted, even in such a sterile environment—our own personal little music video.
This month, Sports Illustrated will release their annual swimsuit issue, delighting dads across the world and…
If you have twenty minutes to spare and didn't get enough of today's newest episode of the Sailor Moon reboot, then…