
as a DV/SA social worker, whenever I have to reference a victim/survivor (which is often how it’s written in the field these days because of this exact reason), which is all the time, I use “person who has experienced DV/SA” or “person who was victimized.” That way people aren’t branded as victims Or survivors first,

Thank you to the woman who came forward and called the police knowing how particularly eviscerated she’d be by the media; thank you for showing that Rape is Rape no matter what and Everyone has the right to report. And selfishly, THANK YOU for taking those chances and risking your own reputation to get that man off

Mary Mitchell: I’m a rape victim and this story doesn’t make a mockery out of me. Telling rape victims how we Should feel and who Is worthy is where we’re mocked, and it’s a dynamic we were all at one point forced to become quite familiar with, quite quickly. So thanks again for that, Mary Mitchell.

well, good thing he’s a completely irrelevant 90s sitcom actor. according to imdb, nothing at all since 2009. nice work giving this random dude’s horrendously misogynistic and dangerous remarks more airtime, though. let’s interview the weird maintenance guy in my building next.

i agree that tattooers can be super condescending and even if you Do have a lot of tattoos, including visible ones, if you don’t read as part of the in-crowd, you can get treated like a moron. trust. that said, what other artist would you go to and demand that the piece you want commissioned be rendered? what kind of