Anyone else sick of all the new female fighters? Why can't you get some more male ones in? We only got like 1 new male.
Is there a reaon why this game isn't coming to XBLA?
That will rock when it RRODs.
When it comes back up I want a freaking sleep timer included!
Is this game on the Wii?
Wii port confirmed.
Why hasn't Kotaku done anything about the new Tale of game coming to the PS3. There's a freaking magazine article about it in a JP mag.
What's nice is that despite the fact this wasn't a huge issue. Sony took down the f/w to work on it and make it better. Something some comapanies lol MS don't do when when they have problems with a console.
Get a laptop cooling stand. You can get them over here in the states for $30.
The whole point of SSB is the characters that we see. To me we didn't get a huge improvment over Melee. IMO Melee had a lot more to offer that was new.
I wish that ad ons were free for every game. You pay $60 for this, anything extra should be free. Unless it's like HUGE or some shit.
I just want a sleep timer...
Who in gods name owned a 20GB PS3?
I remember the rumor that the PS3 UI was supposed to be like this.
So will 360 fanboys start daning in happyness that they have manitory installs now?
To me in game XMB is just a whatev. I want a sleep timer.
That's not worth $120.
Give it WiFi and I'm sold.