
seriously customers are the worst! They do shit they know is not ok and then play it off as "oh I was just being nice". I work in a specialty store, where I often get dirty and gross. It's not about attractiveness, it's about the fact that service ppl have to be nice and they know it.

Yea, being privileged enough to "risk" my job by telling my boss, and he being privileged enough to own the business definitely affected the situation. A local manager at a chain store may not have that kind of power and may even risk losin their job for the standing up for their employees. Which is a terrible

That's very true. And that is a frustrating fact about being a woman and working.

that's so sad. :( as a 16 year old at my first job, my boss kicked out a customer who touched me on (just) the shoulder inapropriatly. As harasment goes, it was nothing, but it made me very uncomfortable and my boss recognized that a man in his 50s had no business touching a young woman, no matter how "platonic" (at