Saifali Sunesara

I <3 that she thought the Doctor was dressed up as a JEDI!!!!

I downloaded it. It's cute for a few minutes, but it's a pain in the ass when you want to use the rest of your phone. Can't imagine using it as a daily driver. faecbook home is not available on the nexus 4 sorry my brother :(

My jailbroken (obviously) iPhone's home screen. Wallpaper by Adam Dachis

Hey, whoa, wait! What about IPS panels??

I signed up for this service and have been using it for a couple days, it appears to be working very good, as good if not better (and much easier to use) than my previous provider who charged more than double. I also made a mistake during the registration which required me to use their technical support. It was great,

Sorry to add another comment, but after exploring further, I am outraged. Apps can harvest your data via friends even if you have specifically blocked them on Facebook. This is sneaky and dishonest! if there is a security setting that blocks an app it should apply to all circumstances. Another example of Facebook not

That's not funny. It's just sad and disgusting.

LOL... Looks hilarious... This reminds me of Chromebook... I already have Facebook app on iPhone.. and I also have Chrome on PC... so really what's the point..?HTC and Facebook.. A Worse Love Story Than Twilight..

i use macbook air and my iphone While Watching TV i just play music and News channels

watermelon is big

what lifehacker recommended me to use camera app for iPhone?

Yes, I want to see *everything*, in real time, in the order it was posted. Not some messed up "algorithm" that shows me things Pepsi Cola posted three days ago but not something my brother posted ten minutes ago. That is useless

i like google make fool