
"I’m extremely surprised that Rosa opted to crawl away fast from Jake
instead of spy roll, but as they say, love makes you do the wacky." Is this a Buffy reference?

Once again we have confirmation that Clive notices the weirdness, but chooses to ignore it. Which is probably the best for his mental health.

It was like this weird cross between retching and screaming. It was amazing.

I was really hoping last week would be the end of the Kendra/Ray thing. You have a character who has 1000 of years worth of knowledge and skills, and this is what you do with her.

So they're just copying and pasting Rip's dialogue. I might actually care about his mission if they developed his character. And stop having him be such a hypocrite.

I don't remember him being this stupid on Arrow.

I completely forgot they were suppose to be in the 80s until they mentioned the Cold War and Soviet Russia.

And when you think about it wouldn't them leaving his corpse behind to rot be desecration. While Savage drinking his blood was gross it's not as bad as your friends and loved ones leaving your corpse behind, then using your death as motivation.

So basically they wouldn't have given Carter's body a second thought if Savage hadn't planned to desecrate it. They seemed perfectly fine leaving it behind last episode.

The outburst was fake. They planned it to get the confession.

IMDB has her listed as Natalie.