
I seem to remember a board and a nail, as well as a crushed up rose. Wonderful religious instruction! I don’t remember my mom as a feminist, but she was the only woman in the ward who worked outside the home in the late 70's/early 80's and the Mormon’s opposition to the ERA kind of drafted her into feminism.

Your mom made the right move on hiding “Fascinating Womanhood”; Mormonism teaches some weird, horrifying shit to and about women and girls. Example: the licked cupcake metaphor for why we should never Do The Sex before marriage.


I grew up when they actually did decent sex ed in school and I still came away:

Oh, no! We all need OBOS! Where do we give money to keep it going?

I love this book. I worked at a thrift store for a while and bought up old versions. They always have amazing accurate information, but they also reflect their times. One early 70’s version has a whole chapter about raising your children in a commune. In 90’s versions you start to see information about HIV/AIDS. Every

Choke on a battery would also work (since it’s all alkaline and stuff).

My parents handed me a copy of “Doctor Ruth Talks to Kids About Sex” when I was like 10-11. And that was pretty much the entirety of my sex education outside of the internet. And as toxic as the (at the time still fairly new) internet was for me as a teenage boy, I can’t imagine what it would have been like had I been

Oh wow, my comment was 100% serious. I’m in my 40s and books such as this one were so helpful as a teen.

I vividly remember getting my hands on a copy of this when I was in middle school and reading it from cover to cover and then passing it around to all of my friends. In the pre-internet era, it was possibly the first time I had found honest and frank answers to questions I had about my body and sexuality, and in fact

Why... when it seems more relevant than ever? I can’t stress enough how important it is for teen girls to learn how to masturbate.

This makes me indescribably sad. My mother got me a copy of “Our Bodies, Ourselves” when I was 13 years old, back in 1981, and I read the entire thing cover to cover in one night. It was the single most helpful thing my mother has ever done for me

Tom Brady I don’t know why you created a burner to respond to me but you can go fucking CHOKE

You really should care about anything that fucks with your hormones. We’re definitely overconsuming soy especially.

Hey, it looks like Kate went from “staff writer” to “associate editor” so yay! Keep on going with the hate posts, it seems to be working.

I do like that more places are trying to serve the “can’t cook/won’t cook” crowd. The new grocery store in town does some instructional classes for basic cooking skills, and there are more “cook a bunch of stuff to stash in your freezer” places around. It’s a good move- I used to work with an ex-executive chef who got

kate, i love when you’re savage like this. please do more hate posts.

that’s true. but learning how to cook and prepare food is relatively easy. if you can master the basics, you can learn to prepare meals for yourself without paying tom brady.

Trust me. Give the soy a pass.

Well, now we know where the evidence went