
All I saw at first was "Watch a House Get Annihilated By the Insurance Industry"...I didn't even think it was a weird headline until I read the post and realized there was more to the headline.

@BishopBlaize: It definitely doesn't to me either. I'm not sure why, but handwriting really lets me absorb things.

Why not?!?!? WP7 needs to stop trying to be the original iPhone and be the iPhone 4...G.

I definitely see tablets replacing laptops in the future, but this cannot be it. Today's tablets are essentially toys. They are more for pleasure than for productivity. For instance, I would be more excited by a fully fledged Mac OS X tablet than an iOS tablet. It could be simply that people who are fascinated

I'm somewhat of a neat freak but that is just ugly.

@CandyBacon: If Justin Bieber fans can do stuff like this, why can't we? We're BETTER.

@Scott: It's true. The headlines, and the posts too, are essentially the same. If one blog makes a discovery, it's likely the others will pick that story up themselves.

No New York Times?

I haven't been this excited since the iPhone first came out.

Vote: reQall

@Ashwin Mudigonda: I've literally taken mail out of my shoe and left it on the floor while I was putting my shoes on. If it's important enough I'll remember anyway.

I'm a student. We have 3.5 months in the summer, 1 month in the winter, and a total of 1 month of smaller vacations within semesters. That's 5.5 months. Dear god, I don't know if I ever want to leave. :(

@geolemon: You can switch your Verizon phone to any other Verizon phone online instantly by using a code in the battery compartment.

@hurbieta: To get you to soak your iPad and go buy another one. It's all a Jobs conspiracy.

Google watched than thing more closely than me or any fanboys, huh?

With those price ranges, Sony will continue to raise profits for Kindle.

HD sells. Even if it's not really HD.

Most school libraries already direct you toward scholarly sources online, more or less. For example, on the update-wanting [] there are links to things like Google Scholar as well as searches of Indices, Article databases, Journals, and other sources.