I <3 power naps. I'll set my alarm for 15 mins.. that gives me about 3 mins to relax, and then 12 of near-sleep bliss. Any longer than that and I wake up too groggy, and end up going back to bed for 3 hours.
I <3 power naps. I'll set my alarm for 15 mins.. that gives me about 3 mins to relax, and then 12 of near-sleep bliss. Any longer than that and I wake up too groggy, and end up going back to bed for 3 hours.
Nice to see Giftah mentioned! Group of local students created that site.
Most important class I took in highschool was OAC (grade 13) Biology. Some days my teacher would just talk to us; about life, about university, about whatever. I found those prepared me more for post-secondary school and life on my own than anything a guidance counselor ever told me.
I just bought a place across the street from a grocery store, and I plan to start doing this. I generally avoid that place on Saturdays when it's filled with children anyways :)
As a three-time Maid of Honour, I can't say how awesome this looks for putting together the wedding slideshow. Trying to get the DJ to sync the music of your choice up with a PowerPoint slideshow is always a pain in the butt. This looks good.
VOTE: accountant
OMG, that is exactly what I needed!
I attend a lot of networking events and conferences, where people are always exchanging cards. Of course, I don't hang on to them; when I get home all the data goes into my Highrise account.
Oh good, another awesome tool that will now stagnate under Google's control.
Both - Google Calendar, synced to my Blackberry, and subscribed to calendars from Basecamp. Plus, the To-Do's in Basecamp and whatever comes through email. Every day I take a look at it all, and make a list of tasks for that day.
My kitchen reno. Went from kinda ghetto with nice appliances, to pretty damn nice. For $600 and a lot of labour. I learned how to tile in the process, though.
A lot of people have been giving me shit for checking in with Foursquare, since I am a single woman. But I don't check in anywhere I wouldn't feel comfortable about tweeting, or telling my friends, or anyone else. I don't check in from my house. Any reasonable person would figure out I'm not at home during the entire…
My city has 3 streams for garbage: recycling, trash, and compost. Conveniently, Home Depot sells garbage systems that pull out of kitchen cupboards with 3 bins. Perfect, easy, accessible all the time, and my kitchen isn't full of garbage cans.
Or, I'll just return my bottles and get my deposit back thankyouverymuch.
PERFECT timing. My insurance company offers it's forms as PDF for printing, but didn't make them actual PDF forms for filling in (dumbasses). Have been fighting with Adobe trying to set it up myself. I think I will give up now and go try this :)
Definitely a good start. Foods listed are a little vague for gluten intolerance, and the languages are limited, but if they continue expanding it should be a great resource. As someone who's only been diagnosed with gluten intolerance for about a year, travel has definitely been a worry for me.
If you feel you need to be productive during your commute, let someone else drive; car pool, take the train, bus or subway. But please, if you're driving, keep your focus on the road.
I sort of do this. I won't read an email unless I plan on a) answering immediately, or b) adding a task to my to-do list. But...sometimes that means I end up with a pile of personal emails backed up in my inbox that I intend to answer "later". Work-related emails I'm not so bad about though, so I guess that's kinda…
That's awesome. For years I hated both Windows and OSX, but lived my entire life inside Adobe products so linux was basically out of the question for me (and really, scared the crap out of me). To have been able to easily install Photoshop would have made it a viable option.
I find that the specialty dishwasher cleaners work better than just vinegar or CLR. They're like $8/ea (in Ontario), which seems expensive, but if it helps prolong my dishwasher's life I'm all for it.