
28%, that's laughable. Technically, I haven't been "living within my means" since I was in highschool and living with my parents. When I applied for my mortgage, they based the monthly payments on 40% of my income, and that didn't include property taxes, condo fees, or insurance. But I'm saving money, paying down

Make the search actually work... right now I'm getting an error, but even when it's working the search doesn't seem terribly accurate.

I actually quit facebook for the sole reason that my friends seem to have forgotten how to use all other forms of communication, including email, IM, and the phone. I was never a big fan of facebook in the first place, and having to use it as a communication tool got really annoying.

VOTE: iTunes (music)

repurposed a cloth grocery tote into something he could use

I can and I do - not at work, mind you - being a web designer, email is how 90% of our clients contact us. But most Sundays I don't bother to turn on my computer at home to check my personal email. It helps relax me before heading back to work on Monday.

Vote: Excel

Unfortunate that it only renders True Type fonts. I have a collection of random Open Type fonts and Adobe PS fonts - need to find something free that lets one browse all of those types.

I'm currently paying $1.35/litre in southern Ontario. That works out to about $5 USD per US gallon.

For just spelling, I use Google. For definitions, synonyms, etc. I prefer [] and

IM is a great way to get my co-workers attention when their headphones are on, or to find out if my boss is available without walking all the way down the hall only to find out he's on the phone.


Does this actually work for anyone?

I cut onions the "Rachael Ray" method... chop off both ends, then sitting it on one end (so it sits flat), cut it in half. Remove the skins. Then turn it so it's sitting on the inside flat surface, run a couple of cuts across the "life lines", parallel to the ends, and then cut parallel to the ends. If I need smaller

- moisturizer

I always, ALWAYS shoot RAW. There is no speed difference on my Nikon D70 with high-speed CF card. And RAW gives me the flexibility to process the files how I want, when I want. I'd hate to take a photo in jpeg format, and a year later regret that I couldnt go back and process it the way I wanted.

Most of my clients seem to need an email etiquette refresher, but how do you politely tell them that an animated gif background on their email and typing in pink Comic Sans caps is unprofessional?

Vote: iGoogle

I only use browser bookmarks for sites on our local webserver for easy access, or sites related to a particular project I'm working on at work. Any personal sites I want to bookmark, or resources I may want to use in the future, all go into, cuz who knows when and were I will need them again. I might want