
"because of jealousy"

"next week's kiss with Cheryl."

How would he have known?

If Riverdale is trash, it's like the trash you would find in the dumpster of a five star restaurant

That last sentence is so sad but so true. Black Ops 2 did have split screen co-op though. Actually I think a lot of the Modern Warfares do, on console at least.

Cheryl (and Polly as well) thinks her parents (or at least mom) have seen the error of their ways and are willing to accept Polly as well as the baby, and Polly probably just feels awkward living with some random lady she doesn't know. I guess she thinks she's better off with family, even if it's just the baby's.

"One thing that worries me is the sight of Jughead in the background as they do the brief flashback to Jason and Polly at Pop’s as they discuss the plan. Hopefully Jug isn’t a secret murderer! Though I’m sure plenty of you will just be pleased Jughead had a hamburger on his plate in the flashback."

Haha was he involved with that? Still, 4 out of 6 ain't bad right?

Yea according to her she wanted them all to stick together and negotiate for better salaries, but obviously they needed Will's help as the star but he was like "Nah fam, I'm good"

Was rewatching the first season of FP the other day. I'd never really realized how great she was as Aunt Viv. Sad to keep hearing about the beef

I felt the same way about Loeb but imo this is Marvel TV's first misfire. So on the TV side at least he has a pretty solid track record

Something about his performance rubbed me the wrong way. The actor seemed like he was trying way too hard

That is exactly what I said as well, but in less polite language

I would rage

Yea that seems HIGHLY unlikely

Good point actually. And it also adds up with how uncertain she seemed about Daryl getting into the "elite training program" when she should probably know it was a given. If she sees it as something (somehwat) legit that she can put a good word in because of her previous connections but not guaranteed then it makes

"These are the kinds of people who will relate to you better if they believe you share their struggle."

Oh just to be clear me saying they deliberately teach the kids to repress their anger is evidence against them teaching true Buddhism.

I'd less attribute it to the writers being awful (not that they aren't) and more to the monks not actually giving a shit about Buddhism themselves and just using it as another tool to indoctrinate these kids into being the perfect warriors.

Yea that's the main thing that's annoyed me so far with the fight scenes. Too many damn cuts