
And studies have clearly shown that while many women have long-term emotional repercussions from having placed a child for adoption, it’s actually very rare for women to have long-term (or even short-term) emotional damage from having had an abortion.

And it’s a bit of a self-own; after all, if you were really all that important, the person would probably know you.

Does...he think Marcus Aurelius is a fictional character? It’s like he’s saying “To quote John F. Kennedy from ‘Forrest Gump’”...

Her perky “let’s empower women globally!” shtick really gets on my nerves. You know what would empower women globally, Ivanka? How about women’s health and birth control education and care, which would keep women from being dragged down by endless children they may not want or be able to afford (and from the serious

FDR has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.

Oh! Duh. That makes much more sense.

I...I just...I mean, this was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. They’d have had to order or make all the handmaid outfits. And that wall isn’t picturesque; unless it has personal significance for the couple (and it doesn’t sound like that’s the case), there’s just no reason to choose it other than to take this

I’ve always thought it was probably chronic hemorrhoids that would make it painful for him to sit back fully in a chair. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy...

He’d want to reach out to it hands-first, so that finally, finally, if only for an instant, he could not be credibly accused of being “stubby-fingered.”

As a mother, I’d have said the same. It would embarrass my daughter, and probably drive her even further into the relationship, if I said “He’s a mess, and I’m very worried about her!” Qualley is young, maybe she’s just getting the “sexy dangerous guy” thing out of her system. (And Davidson does seem like a nice

I don’t think he cares about being liked. I think he wants 24/7 attention and adulation. And, IMHO, adulation is a lot different than liking.

“They inadvertently corrected my stupid mistake! Those BASTARDS!”

He’s obsessed with the height of other men. It’s a standard insult of his to make fun of short guys. I guess because he’s relatively tall, so he clings to that as a measure of masculinity? I guarantee you if he actually had a full head of hair, he’d be calling other men “baldy.”

Nah, Trumps hire people to do things like write college papers for them.

I was wondering the same thing. Was he trying to say Lil as in L’il Abner, but he spelled it wrong AND put the apostrophe in the wrong place? Was he trying to put Liddle in quotation marks but forgot the opening set and replaced the closing set with a single mark?

Part of me is just upset and worried, because I think impeachment will hurt the Dems in 2020. (They’re right to do it, but still...) But another part of me is stuffing my face with schadenfreude like it was Ben & Jerry’s.

All I could think of was that old SNL skit where Joe Pesci goes to a jewelry store and tries on a series of garish pinkie rings, modeling each in the mirror as he mimes threatening someone, “you talking to me?”-ing someone, shooting someone, etc., to see how each ring enhances the effect.

By all accounts, Fred Trump was the same way. Doesn’t excuse Donald’s behavior, of course, but it would at least partially explain why Donald feels entitled to lie, cheat, and steal with impunity. It was modeled for him and probably even expected of him.

I’m also amused by the idea that Trump is “handling” it at all, what with apparently raging at staff all day and tweeting furiously and incoherently all night. He’s kind of the definition of not handling it.

That’s what makes me so mad: Trump, predictably, is painting the move to impeachment as a political hatchet job, but it’s much, much more likely to hurt Democrats’ chances in 2020 rather than help, because it will rile up Trump’s base even more. Which is surely why Pelosi dragged her feet for so long. At this point,