
Unnecessary? Maybe. Stat padding? Is it easier to steal a base when you have a 7 run lead than when you have a 1 run lead? Still 90 feet and a professional catcher behind the plate, right? I guess if the down team has quit, maybe it is.  But then, what’s the beef about?  I kept playing when you quit?  Come on, there’s

When he was with the Giants a few years back, because he had apparently written something that ticked him off, Romo actively worked to have players boycott Andy Baggarly, then the writer/TV guy for their team owned network.

Or you can just not get mad that a guy stole a base off you. He does play baseball, he should know stealing bases is part of the game.

Nothing says “You don’t know the right way to win” like a guy with an ERA of 5.00 on a team one win below .500, mouthing off immediately after winning a game.

He didn’t hit him because bases were loaded and it was a one run game. Not even Romo is that stupid. If this was a blow out he definitely would have hit him. 

When the only thing in your life you’ve ever been good at, and you’re REALLY good at it, you don’t have much time to actually grow and learn as a person. So most of these guys are 14 year olds emotionally.  

That’s a terrible attempt at the Dempsey Face.

Weirdly, I get the feeling Strickland is the type of guy who normally loves a big, beautiful wall.

What people don’t know is Strickland walked into that same wall in 2015 and wasn’t about to let it show him up again.

Love the code of ethics these idiots have.

It’s being reported Strickland broke his hand punching a door after coming out last night. Out 6-8 weeks. Peak Asshattery.

Bumgarner, Strickland, Samardzija...... Giants just need Sean Rodriguez to get the all fake tough guy team.

With Bumgarner, Strickland, and Samardzija.... it seems like it’s the majority of the Giants roster are part of this group.

No , here’s how it went.

Did the Giants recently become Cardinals West? Or, have they been Cardinals West for a while?

Hey, I agree with all this, but the answer is Prince.

I think you were a little bit dismissive of Weird Al there. Yeah, comedy songs don’t exactly have a long shelf life and they’re not things you’re going to want to re-listen to a ton. That’s kinda the nature of comedy, plus the fact that so many of the parodies are a recreation of pop music that’s often not all that

Kevin, buddy, as a now 29 year-old man who weighs 150 on a good day, just accept it. I haven’t had an ounce of fat on me since baby fat. Some days I worry about it, but most days I say fuck it. I can eat 3/4 a large pizza in a sitting and not gain a pound.