
Pretty sure you're supposed to tan your balls with it.

U mad bro

Your comment belies the fact that you hate to be that dude.


I've eaten the vast majority of my meals in the last 40 years at restaurants and honestly have never heard this.

You can’t change history! Anything a man said in the early days of America is sacred and can never be changed!

There are two options, depending on the age of the woman: pretend it's yours or get it the fuck out of there.

You sir are a man of taste. I occasionally add some nice cheeses.

No i a kid I an patriot where me rites love meeeee

Which I'm not mad about ?

This will end well. For both sides.

Work HARDER, poor!

Punch punch punch to my Lou.

I'm sceptical about the shaker Parm crust. But I'm going to try it because I want to believe.

They’ll be pissing in whatever bathroom they want! You’ll have to check their gennies before you can comfortably pop a squat next to them.

Yes and your pay is low and you work overtime and you don’t really have summers off or spring breaks or Christmas holidays off. And you even choose to use some of your own money to pay for job supplies. Right?


I have that cheese slicer and feel dumb for not imagining greater things for it. I hate single purpose kitchen items and therefore hate myself. But I am redeemed!


Ya fat people bad people.