
Well, firstly, LYSISTRATA.

You know why I've been on the pill since high school? To keep my dysmenorrhea in check so I can get out of fucking bed when I'm on the rag.

We get it already. You're that cool atheist who feel the need to shove in your "opinion" at every chance it get.

2 edgy 4 me

Shows how much you know. It improves my concentration and focus, and helps me be aware of God as I go about my day, every time my stomach rumbles. Fasting helps break the hold of worldly desires on a person, and is something People actually look forward to, because of the benefits.

Exactly. Those comments strike me as crass. The more important discussion here should be the fact that these human right abuses do happen on a large scale, not whether these particular notes are a sham. It looks like people are more interested in instant guilt relief than people on the other side of the globe being

Short answer: female is a term that could be applied to half the animal kingdom and a good number of plants. It's not specific to humans, and because most people mentally rank humans at the top of the biological heap, calling a human being by a term that could be applied to animals is not just othering, it's

Human asshole here. I wouldn't limit my apologies to mere gender-based criteria. The human creature (I don't use 'animal' because I feel that would be dismissive of the animal kingdom) needs be extincted off this rock as soon as the Singularity will allow. I m'self don't believe in apologizing at all. Total absurd

Well, I, for one, find it offensive that he thinks bears actually give a fuck about honey. They're eating the BEES, for christsakes. You should have told him to eat some bees.

Pretty bummed about the comment threads on this article. Whole lot of people who need to go read this and/or just shut the fuck up. Including some I've thought better of. I can't even find a place to dive in, I just want to cuss at people in a dozen different threads.

Please consider that we're talking about a horrific murder and the cop being quoted misgendered the murder victim. Even in death she was not worthy of enough respect to simply get her gender right. You are on very, very shaky ground tone policing this.

Do not patronize me by telling me that I am "angry." I'm certain I have a fairly better understanding of these issues both through schooling and life experiences. Good job trying to act like you know what you're telling about, though! 10 points to Hufflepuff!

I think chalking things up to emotions - as if someone wants to waste their time on something their not sure about - is sexist

Mainpaging is actually part of the structure. This is a subblog, and eventually I hope it will become its own thing, but for right now, it doesn't really have its own readership. Everything gets mainpaged. I'm afraid I disagree that the quotation does not in fact "bear that criticism." I consider it supported, and I

"Not legally recognized," the transphobic, femme-hating, racist masses (and Officer Rodriguez) shouted!

I don't think people are assuming that all doctors are men. Being a women does not make you immune to implicit biases related to women - these biases can end up effecting treatment even where doctors and nurses do not consciously treat men and women differently. Disparate treatment need not be the result of

Sorry, but the Garda are one of the most systematically and individually corrupt police forces of any nation, place or time.

EXACTLY. Murder against women, when there is a deep sense of entitlement to women, to women's bodies, to react violently to women, that is a hate crime. As far as I am concerned, even if not legally recognised.

I think it's pretty clear from my comment in the post (which is not "flippant" unless you want to dismiss the very real point I and women like me are trying to make) that doctors do this all the time. Especially to women. Sure, you can call it "malpractice" or whatever. But my point is this is the norm for a lot of