
old enough to smoke/drink in most countries

It’s not the American taxpayers responsibility to bail you out from a bad financial choice.”

How to say “I don’t understand the fundamentals of the US monetary system, but said with dumber words.”

The frankly cruel ‘you deserve to suffer’ comments here and elsewhere are just proof at how fucked this country is tbh.

It’s not the American taxpayers responsibility to bail you out from a bad financial choice.

Old enough to vote”

The unfortunate reality is we Democrats will lose the working class vote if student debt is cancelled.

I’ve paid off my loans (undergrad and law school) and absolutely want forgiveness to happen. My life’s not gonna get worse just cause someone else’s life gets better. 

But who’s gonna think of the for-profit student loan lenders and their shareholders?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Honey, you’ve written a novel-length tantrum over an article suggesting - suggesting, not demanding, not mandatory - ways to be nicer to people. You can fuck right off calling someone else immature.

Yah. If you take away the “rah, rah, hate the rich” thing, a sentence of 4 years in jail is the STIFFEST penalty for involuntary manslaughter in Cali. And probation for a first offense is a standard penalty.

I think this has more to do with experience on the job than video games. I don’t think many people of any generation spent their teenage years playing around with Microsoft Excel in their spare time. 

I’d like to point out that the Xillennial side of Gen-X are on the “digital native” side of that stupid classification system, which I call stupid because Millennials can remember a time prior to the internet, Windows, and when Macs were POS, and therefore are not entirely native to the digital landscape.

Something is wrong with your phone. I never turn my Bluetooth off. I have an Apple Watch, a handful of AirTags, use a MacBook Pro for work, have my iPad Pro set up next to my computer to futz with while my code is compiling, and swap between my Bose headphones and AirPods constantly and have >50% battery life when I

Bluetooth does not “absolutely KILL” your battery. It’s not 2006 anymore.

It costs money to move. More importantly, Why would we split now? We’re winning.

Texas isn’t a red state, it is a purple state gerrymandered to red. Those people don’t deserve to be abandoned.

It is indeed hilarious how many of those ‘anti-socialism’ states are utterly dependent on socialism to stay afloat. Who do they think pays for the multi-hundred-million dollar paychecks that McNoChin brags about getting for his petty state of Kentucky? Yeah, exactly. Predominantly California and New York. Without

I want Cali to secede; we’re the fifth largest economy in the WORLD…that way we don’t have to bail out the red states.

What I don’t get is, were they even jokes? The “Team TERF” shit just sounds opinion he has. Not a joke was told, no humorous observations were made. You have people losing their minds, “the SJWs are murdering comedy,” but this is just Old Man Yells at Cloud shit.

These are the kind of people defending him right now. If this is you, you just proved everyone’s point.