Looks like a Camaro backed into a Pepboys.
Looks like a Camaro backed into a Pepboys.
I believe I speak for us all when I say...
“I bet they watch everything ahead of time before showing it to him, just in case. haha So who knows what he sees.”
“I hear many people were chanting ‘Love Trump, Love Trump’ all over the bars in Paris. The French love me, even said they wanted me to win in 2020.” - Donald Trump
“Well if you don’t like it then you can git out” is exactly the opposite sentiment that this country was founded on. Also there’s those pesky free speech, right to protest, and free press things. Thanks for playing tho.
honestly, a simple pan fry until their browning just a little (if you’re a garlic fan anyway) is amazing. mild garlic flavor with a nice bit of crunch
I had similar thoughts. It’s a horrible response from his camp. It’s like telling the Harris to get to get the back of the bus because Uncle Joe knows what’s best.
They should hang it in their old building, right before they demolish it.
USC is not part of the UC system. But UC Berkeley is, and it is one of the top schools in the country.
USC is a private university and not part of the UC system.
Dont put her in jail...make her pay for 20 students to go to college every year for the next 10 years. Not the Aunt Becky scholarship where she gets to say she’s doing something good or gets a tax right off. Just cutting a check to said school to cover the costs. If she goes to jail then my tax dollars are paying for…
Marianne Williamson’s closing statement last night.
Biden is clinging to this outdated notion that if you’re nice to the Republicans, they’ll be reasonable with you, won’t flout the law, compromise, etc. The problem is that they’re happy to accept our compromises, but offer absolutely nothing in return. They also think that norms and decorum are for Democrats, not…
Harris’ attack was obviously staged, but absolutely needed if the Dems are to ever survive:
Most of the “old school” Democrats of today would be considered Republicans of the Reagan, Bush 1 eras. The candidates we call “cuckoo crazy super left liberal socialist communists” would be called “middle of the road” in more advanced countries than ours.
Additionally, there might be something to environmental/food factors in terms of chronic illnesses such as autoimmune disorders. Research into things like nitrates, microplastics, other chemical preservatives and additives etc. is going to be very interesting moving forward (I have an autoimmune disorder so I hoover…
To be perfectly honest, she might be on to something. I can see why her words sound goop inspired to american audiences, but at least for some of us outside the US, it actually resonates in a familiar way. For a while now, psychoanalysts and sociologists have been trying to stem the tide of an overly medical/medicine…
Heres an option for “Friends without benefits” tell the dude he is a shitty friend and stop talking to him until he confesses. exclude him from all your plans. excommunicate him basically. if he is gonna stick you in that position, he isnt your friend. plus add on top of that, he is bragging about it to you! like its…
If it was a legitimate shooting, the body has ways of shutting that whole thing down