
If you’re living in Manhattan with a car, you’re either wealthy enough to afford reserved parking or a radical masochist.

New York City requires you to choose one of:

Fair enough. My bad for projecting my own desire for logic and reason on any of these clowns.

I’m not disagreeing with your take, but I don’t think that precludes my suggestion, nor that my suggestion could also apply to the others you mentioned. It’s completely reasonable to expect this cognitive dissonance pre-dates her (/ any of their) involvement with Trump and the GOP, but is still a symptom of a greater

If he was racist (which he was) then what does that make her?

Berners who are still assassinating her character three years later

... as you so ably did in 2016.

Had the same happen to me. They had to MAIL a verification code to my home address, which promptly* failed to validate, at which point I was able to request a new one, which worked immediately*.

Is this yet another post from 2015 that somehow made it to the Kinja trending stories list?

The Walton family, by doing absolutely nothing except owning an inheritance, made $3.3 billion yesterday on a stock bump, while you were at work. There is nothing wrong with approaching this problem aggressively

I think it’s a bit of a stretch to compare “not liking, but supporting” a guy who may struggle to understand issues that don’t effect him personally but still makes the effort to grow and learn, vs. a guy who literally said things pre-Presidency like “Mexicans are rapists” and it’s okay to “grab [women] by the pussy”.

This somehow made it back to the featured stories list a year later (thanks, poorly configured Kinja algorithm), and I’m so glad to see this in the comments. I do this every morning with my espresso machine - Bustello > tamp > raw sugar > tamp > pull. The sugar definitely gets more carmely and rich this way, as

AFAIK, they’re falling back to the runner-up in VA, so they’re not “seeking” an alternate, they already have one.

Clyde, is that you?

A few years ago, I was driving in my neighborhood on a somewhat quiet stretch of a pretty well used two lane road (one in each direction) when some asshat decided to use the opposing lane to try to pass me.


Now playing

I mean, I think their 2015 ad pretty much covered that.

I agree that the response by the FCC is clearly unequal, but let’s not let this distract from the fact that the 2019 halftime show was straight GARBAGE.

You’re thinking of someone else.

LOVE that stuff. My palate has generally drifted away from sweeter drinks, but their Pineapple really hits the spot!