
Well then, I’d politely ask you to stay the fuck away from my Oreos, which have technically been vegan since 2014 (cross-contamination from equipment excluded).

THANK YOU. This comment needs to be more visible.

Yup. Those folks who were excited by their sudden paycheck increases under the the new GOP-sponsored tax law (aka: reduced tax withholdings) will be shocked to realize they still owe that money to the IRS. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lifehacker: “You should divest from Amazon.

I love that the American Dream of one day getting rich is the brass ring that keeps most people voting like idiots against their own self-interest. One day they may need the tax break that the 1% get, and may be able to pay for private schools and private healthcare and be able to be “better” than the people that they

There’s only one appropriate type of dog to have in the city and that’s a rescue. Plenty of dogs need homes, and living in an NYC studio with a loving family, walks in the park, and food every day definitely beats being a stray or being outright killed.. err.. “put down”. 🙄

I LOVE this fusion of alcohol and history. Not sure if it was the same team, but the Field Museum also collaborated with Chicago’s Off Color Brewing to create Wari Chicha - a beer based on the chemical analysis of a thousand year old brewery discovered in Peru. Bonus points for being FREAKING DELICIOUS. More of this

If you’re recommending Goofy, can I also recommend Fluid, which allows you to package any web app of your choosing?

That vodka tip is timely! I have a stash of good beer that I keep in a crate on the floor of my clothes closet, and just yesterday one spontaneously exploded. I thought everything smelled like malt and alcohol, but now I’m realizing it just smells fresh. 😎

Not on the list, but since there a lot of Lifehackers here in NYC, I wanted to mention NYC Open Data, where the City of New York dumps all of its departmental data - everything from 311 call stats, to the locations of public recycling bins, to average test scores for all NYC schools, and more!

P.S. - can I pretty please get out of the greys?

This. 100% this.

I’ve heard great hour-long sets from openers I’d never heard of, who became personal favorites. I’ve traveled to shows in other states just for the opener.

The only way proximity keys have made my life in any way worse is that I now get frustrated approaching the front door of my apartment knowing I’ll have to take out my keys.

This is a perfectly cromulent plugin - thanks!

That is literally the only thing this app does.

Pros: your paper-in-transit is no longer linked to the rest of your finances.

This site suggests otherwise, though they do recommend a model up (Bounty), which features 45 Watt lighting, where this one is 30 Watt.

This site suggests otherwise, though they do recommend a model up (Bounty), which features 45 Watt lighting, where

Looks like the link is for the wrong product (though the discount code still works)

Looks like the link is for the wrong product (though the discount code still works)