
Boy, can he (Andrew) ever.

I quite enjoyed the use of dragoon as a verb, new one on me.

I know, no repercussions for Tamir Rice, amazing. But Michael Slager's *gotta* go down. I don't pray, but if I did, I sure would for that to happen.

I use the Google "site:" method to find reviews here now after discovering the uselessness of the AVC Search function.

And still don't bring weapons along with them. Except for Daniel's gun.

There's a lot of clever misdirection going on. Even that simple throwaway "Thank you" of Darlene's — that I initially assumed (before realizing and further learning about the Tyler Durden-esque thing going on) was just another member of the team's version of "Exactly!" instead of it being her as the actual Boss

Elliot appears to be responding (in some way) in the above scene as "Mr. Robot." Unknown if his words are the same ones that we hear that Darlene is responding "Seriously…" and then later "Ohh!" to.
Darlene: Where are we at with Steel Mountain?

Darlene's [the] "Boss." She wrote the rootkit.

Carol: What happened?
Tyreese: There were a bunch of walkers out here and he got his hands around Judith's neck.
[Carol starts quickly towards cabin door.]
Tyreese: No, he's dead. I— I had to. So I did. I could.
[Carol nods.]

(non-reader who just doesn't want to wait for what may never be answered by the show) Why didn't Olenna Tyrell simply wear the poison necklace herself? Was Sansa wearing it just part of Littlefinger's plot to get control of her? If so, how did he convince Olenna of the sense of doing it that potentially more risky