
I think they do understand that, and they're targeting it intentionally. Like wolves, they can smell it on you.

I would think it was great. It wouldn't seem like pandering at all, and I think that some women would feel safer with a male escort than a female escort, so your work would be appreciated.

Do you know if he sabotaged her birth control? Sadly, that's pretty common. If he sensed that she was preparing to leave, it might have been another attempt at control.

Yeeaahh. It doesn't make any sense.

Ah, that anecdote about BabyCenter is so sad.

For me, it turned out that my hymen was only partially torn, and you can get a cream for that. Beyond that, it was a matter of slow progress. That's what fingers and slim vibes are for.

Hey, now. Stay at home moms and women who work part time aren't allowed to be feminist anymore? A part time job isn't a job?

How about "Survival"? Ha. That's how I think of it: skills to help you survive in the real world. Teens would probably snark about the fact that the class isn't about setting fires or hunting bears, but whatever.

I agree. I was thinking this exact thing the other day. Senior year could have a semester of either "Job skills" or "College Skills" depending on the student's preference. I think that would go a long way.

Am I the only one who also thinks it's a little weird that she was naked? I mean, I'm not suicidal, but the idea of people seeing my dead body is skeevy enough. The idea of my naked dead body hanging for all to see is even skeevier. I mean.... ugh... no way. Absolutely no way.

Yeah, I get where you're coming from. There is sometimes a lot of pressure for women to get C-sections who don't want or need them, and that is just wrong, given that it is such an invasive operation.

1. Ring of fire. Google it.

This comment is great! I totally agree. Being a third-wheel to a family is way weirder than being third-wheel to a couple. Families have so much history that goes way back, and you have to immerse yourself in the "rules" like it's a whole new culture.

Yeah, it's awful. It's actually usually more like 1/3 of minimum wage.

I tip occasionally. I slip in a dollar maybe every 3rd time, since I'm a regular. I am pitifully awkward about it, though. I don't want to be like "LOOK I AM TIPPING YOU" so I wait until their backs are turned and then stealth it into the tip jar.

Huh. I saw something similar being reported in an issue of Oprah magazine.

If you have an abortion a year because you're too lazy to use birth control

Since gender is a social construct, it's basically infinite. :)

This is a great article, and you make a strong point at the end. Misogynist lyrics certainly get a pass in the way that other forms of hate don't, which really says a lot since women are more than half of the population and we've been fighting this fight for a long time. Why is progress so slow? Why don't people seem

Still fighting the good fight, are you? It must be getting tiring...