Sabre_Justice: Okay, no more long name.

@puffa469: Yes. As long as they can put big swords and fists and serious expressions on covers they're happy. Believe it or not they're not all about space marines.

@puffa469: Anime like DBZ, Naruto, Bleach, all manly and macho kickass stuff. Sailor Moon wasn't quite as big in comparison, and a lot of girls look back on it as sexist.

@TheRuiner: If the Patriot act passed, anything's possible.

@Skiks: Thing is, a lot of those kids got hooked and attached to the characters and watched it for years. Nowadays they can look back at the archives and realise nothing's gonna happen, but as far as we know the show was actually gonna end one day.

For like one episode at the start of the HG/SS based anime, they had a fakeout where the main character wasn't Ash.

...what's with the lack of faces?

Japanese politics are weird.

@Bricked: Problem is, if half those companies go down they may well take half the country with them.

...this story is weird even by Japan standards.

@bugbread: I'm pretty sure that makes it even worse.

I keep mixing that guy up with Rick Astley.

Yeah, Otaku are making themselves look bad, not her.

So moe her boobs are blushing.

@Tye-The-Czar: Same thing. Newgrounds has everything a 14 year old could want.

Everyone buy this game so we can hopefully see it in the sequel.

Liking the look of this. Some of us love video games but suck at them. Let us have our fun.

@hazelnutman: That sounds like something on Newgrounds.

Hasn't Samus' hair been different colours between games, or even between endings?

@billysan: It looks Metroid 1 style, very old school.